72F with cloudy skies at 2am (Mon). Wind 2mph with barometer at 30.01in. Forecast for today, high of 83F (much better) with partly sunny skies. Low tonight 69F. Chance of rain 43%; humidity 62%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 7mph.
71F/21.7C right now. Partly cloudy, heading toward more clouds later on. The dew point is 68F/20C, with a relative humidity of 91%. Overall, a 35% chance of rain today. The pollen count is "moderate" for ragweed, with the air quality being "good". Today's high is 82F/27.8C.
66F with cloudy skies at 11:40pm (Tue). Wind 2mph and barometer 29.81in. Forecast high for Wednesday, September 1st, 80F with partly sunny skies and a low of 57F. Chance of rain 75%, looks like mainly in the early hours; humidity at 69%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 11mph expected.
56F with clear skies at 3AM (Thur). High today expected to be 79F with partly sunny skies. Wind 2mph and barometer 30.05in as of now. Chance of rain 2%; humidity 48%; UV Index 7 (high); max winds 7mph. Not a bad day and it looks like it'll be that way for the next two or three although some possible rain tomorrow.
60F/15.6 right now. Clearing skies, with a dew point of 51F/10.6C. The realtive humidity is 75%. Clearing skies means there's no rain expected today, but there might be some lingering flood problems from the passing remnants of Ida. The pollen count is "Low" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good," The high today should reach 77F/25C.
63F with clear skies at 1:45am (Fri). Wind 9mph and barometer 30.08in. High today expected to be 72F and the low tonight 63F. Around 11am T-storms are expected, some heavy (oh, goody :( ) with rain lasting through the rest of the day. Chance of rain 70% with humidity at 64%; good news is that the UV Index will be 1 (Low). Max wind 9mph.
Right now, 68F/20C. Sunny, continued throughout the day. The relative humidity is only 54%, with the dew point at 51F/10.6C. No rain expected today. The pollen count is "Moderate" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature should be 75F/23.9C.
68F with cloudy skies as of 11:42pm (Fri). Wind 9mph and barometer at 29.95in. High Saturday expected to peak at 77F with a low of 61F Sat. night. There is a 31% chance of rain with humidity at 67%. UV Index 3 (Moderate) and max winds of 15mph possible. Trivia ... in the last 30 years it rained 20 out of 30 times on Sept. 4th.
69F/20.6C right here, right now. Partly cloudy skies, with a relative humidity of 68%, and a dew point of 58F/14.4C. No rain expected today. The pollen counts is "moderate" for ragweed, and the air quality continues to be in the "good" range. The high teprature today, 79F/26.1C.
Beautiful weather! If only it would be like this during the day and rain at night!
59F with clear skies at 4:49am (Sun). High today 81F with sunny skies and a low tonight of 59F. Wind 6mph and barometer at 29.91. Chance of rain 3%; humidity 45%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 9mph expected.
69F/20.6C right now. Mostly cloudy, continuing throughout the day. The relative humidity is 80%, with the dew point at 62F/16.7C. There's a 60% chance of rain starting about now. The pollen count is "moderate" for ragweed, and the air quality is still "good." The high today should be 76F/24.4C.
61F with clear skies as of 4:35 (Labor Day); wind 3mph; barometer 29.94in. Forecast for today 83F with partly sunny skies and a low tonight of 61F. Chance of rain 14%; humidity 53%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 9mph expected.
68F/20C right now. Mostly cloudy, likely all day. The dew point is 66F/18.9C, with a relative humidity of 07%. Only about a 15% chance of rain today. The rageweed pollen is still "moderate", with the air quality being "good." Today's high,83F/28.3C.
71F with clear skies at 11:16pm (Mon). Tuesday's forecast is for a high of 86F and a low of 57F with T-storms in the area beginning around 2pm and turning to rain around 5pm before ending around 8pm. Chance of rain 77%; humidity 49%; UV Index 7 (high) and max winds of 16mph expected.
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