68F/20C right now. Sunny skies. The relative humidity is 85%, with the dew point at 64F/17.8C. Overall only a 15% chance of rain today. The pollen count is "moderate", for grass, with the air quality back in the "good" range. The forecast high temperature for today is 91F/32.8C.
67F with partly cloudy skies at 5:30am (Fri). Winds 6mph; barometer 30.05in. Forecast for today, 80F with partly sunny skies and a low of 63F tonight. There is an 11% chance of rain. Humidity expected to be around 53%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 8mph. Trivia: Record high for this date 98F (1999) and the record low 55F (1991)
The temperatures are forecast for the mid 80s this week. :)
62F with mostly cloudy skies at 3:10am (Sun). There is a dense fog from 2am until 9am. Winds are at 2mph and the barometer is at 29.99in. Forecast for today is a high of 80F with partly sunny skies and a low tonight of 59F. Chance of rain 11%; humidity at 48%; UV Index at 8 (very high) and max winds of 10mph expected.
72F/22.2C right now. Cloudy skies, with a dew point of 67F/19.4C, and a relative humidity of 83%. There' a 25% chance of rain or thunderstorms in the late morning. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, while the air quality is "good." The forecast high today is 79F/26.1C.
66F with clear skies at 10:22pm (Sun). Wind 5mph and barometer 30.11in. Low tonight expected to be 58F. Monday, the high is predicted to reach 77F with partly sunny skies and Monday's nightime low expected to be 59F. Chance of rain 3%; humidity 46%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds expected 6mph.
60F/15.6C right now. Mostly sunny, with fog that should burn off soon. The relative humidity is 91%, as might be expected with so much fog; the dew point is 57F/13.9C. No rain expected today. The air quality is "good", and the pollen count is still "moderate", for grass. The high today should be 81F/27.2C.
64F with clear skies at 2:37am (Thu). 0 wind; barometer 30.10in. High today expected to be 83F with partly sunny skies and a low tongiht 0f 64F. 28% chance of rain; humidity at 48%; UV Index at 9 (very high); and max winds of 11mph expected.
60F/15.6C right now. Mostly sunny to full sun today. The relative humidity is 95%, with the dew point at 58F/14.4C. No rain is expected. The pollen count is "low", for grass, with the air quality "moderate." The high temperature today should be 87F/30.6C.
68F with clear skies at 3:45am (Fri). Wind 6mph and barometer at 29.99in. Forecast high today 82F with partly sunny skies and a low tonight of 69F. Chance of rain 60% (mainly in the morning from now until 8am; and again tonight starting at 8pm through midnight.
72F with partly cloudy skies at 12:02am (Sat). Wind 6mph and barometer 29.98in. Forecast for Saturday, high 87F with partly sunny skies and a low of 73F tonight. Chance of rain 19%; humidity 59%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 9mph expected.
Lows 80s. Light wind. No expected rain.
A beautiful summer's day! |
74F with clear skies at 3:32am (Sun). Wind 9mph and barometer 29.89in. Forecast high today 86F with partly sunny skies and a low tonight of 70F. Chance of rain 49% ... mainly tonight. Humidity 63%, UV Index 8 (very high); and max winds expected 14mph. Trivia: Average high for this date 84F and the average low 63F.
70F with clear skies at 1:50am (Mon). Winds 9mph and barometer at 29.88. Forecast for today ... high of 87F with partly sunny skies and a low tonight of 70F. Chance of rain 49% (between 2am and 8am) after which it looks like the probability drops off pretty dramatically. Humidity 67%; UV Index 7 (high); and max winds of 13mph expected.
71F/21.7C right now. Fog this early morning, giving way to partly cloudy conditions for the day. The relative humidity is 92%, with the dew point being 68F/20C. The air quality is "good", with the pollen count rated "low", for grass. The high today is supposed to be 91F/32.8C.
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