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81F/27.2C currently. Sunny skies today, with a relative humidity of 89%, and a dew point of 69F/20.6C. The grass pollen is back up to "high", with the air quality still "moderate." Overall chance of rain today, 25%. The high today is forecast to be 92F/33.3C.
60F with clear skies as of 2:17am. Winds 4mph and barometer 30.01in. Foreccast for today: High 78F with rain showers; a low of 66F tonight. Chance of rain 58%; humidity will be about 64%; UV Index 7 (High) and Max Winds of 6mph. In the past 30 years, it rained 25 out of 30 times on this date.
65F with clear skies at 2am. Winds are at 13mph and the barometer shows 29.95. High today (Sat) expected to be 77F and a low tonight of 68F. Rain and T-storms pretty much all day. Chance of rain 91%; humidity 78%; UV Index 4 (Moderate); and Max winds through the day 9mph. Not a good day to be outdoors unless you like playing in the rain.
Hotter than the hinges of Hell this week, and more forecast for next week. Welcome to summer!
Right now, 75F/23.9C, with a relative humidity of 60%, and a dew point of 60F/15.6C. Partly cloudy to mostly sunny today, with no rain expected. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, and the air quality is "good." The high today is forecast to be 84F/28.9C.
68F with cloudy skies as 1:04am (Sun). Wind 7mph and barometer 29.82in. Forecast for today: a high of 70F and a low of 64F tonight but with rain all through the day until midnight tonight. :( Chance of rain 86%; humidity 74%; UV Index 5 (Moderate) and max winds expected 13mph.
Currently 83F/28.3C. Variable cloudy to mostly cloudy today. The relative humidity is 69%, with the dew point of 73F/22.8C. The pollen count is "moderate," for grass, and the air quality is "good." overall, there's a 15% chance of rain today. This high temperature should reach 89F/31.7C.
68F with cloudy skies at midnight. Winds at 3mph and barometer at 29.98in. Forecast for Tuesday ... high of 82F and a low tonight of 67F. Rain showers expected. Chance of rain 47%; humidity will be around 60%; UV Index at 6 (High); and max winds expected 8mph.
73F/22.8C right now. Sunny skies, with a relative humidity of 92%, and a dew point of 71F/21.7. Overall, only a 15% chance of rain today. The pollen count, still for grass, is "high", with the air quality is still "good."
68F with clear skies; winds 4mph and barometer at 30.11in. High today 87F with partly sunny skies. Low tonight 74F. Chance of rain 22%; humidity at 58%; UV Index 9 (Very High) and max winds 11mph. Too hot for me, but at least a low chance of rain. Next 2 days will get back to the monsoon season. :(
73F/22.8C right now. The relative humidity is 91%, with a dew point of 70F/21.1C. Sunny skies right now, with clouds most likely moving in during the afternoon. Overall, there's a 50% chance of rain today. The pollen count is still "high", for grass, with the air quality remaining in the "good" range. Today's high should be 91F/32.8C.
74F with clear skies at 2am. Wind 11mph and barometer 29.98in. Forecast for today is a high of 79F with a low of 70F tonight. Light rain is expected but not expected before close to 4pm this afternoon. Chance of rain 64% with humidity at 70%. UV Index 7 (High) and max winds of 9mph expected.
Right now, 71F/21.7C. The relative humidity is 92%, with the dew point of 67F/19.4C. No rain expected today. The air quality is "good", with the pollen count "high," for grass. Today's high, 93F/33.9C.
65F with clear skies as of 11:40pm (Fri). Saturday is expected to have a high of 81F with partly sunny skies and a low of 65F. Chance of rain, 7%; humidity 53%; UV Indes 9 (Very High); and max winds of 8mph expected. Trivia ... record high for 7/17th was 96F in 2012 and the record low was 54F in 2014.
Low/Mid 90s all week, and more forecast for next week. :(
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