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OziJuggalo 02-24-2004 05:39 AM

*sneaks in and steals lead*

musicman 02-24-2004 08:25 AM

morning everyone (evenin' Shar)

imaginewithme 02-24-2004 08:40 AM

Look who's here!!!!!

musicman 02-24-2004 08:41 AM


imaginewithme 02-24-2004 09:00 AM

It's me...me...can you see me....i am ahead of you!!!

musicman 02-24-2004 09:05 AM

no you're not!

dicksbro 02-24-2004 03:06 PM

Right, I am. :)

musicman 02-24-2004 06:32 PM

but we both seemed to have it for a while

Sharni 02-24-2004 06:40 PM

Passes through for a quickie

dicksbro 02-24-2004 07:23 PM

Hi, Sharni! Been missing you recently. :(

kleclere 02-24-2004 07:46 PM

So are we all invited for the quickie?

IAKaraokeGirl 02-24-2004 07:49 PM

Your quickie was pretty quick, considering I have the lead from you. ;)

imaginewithme 02-24-2004 08:26 PM

I wanna be part of a group quicky--haha

musicman 02-24-2004 10:13 PM

group quickie??? WOOHOO

Sharni 02-25-2004 04:30 AM

Passes through for another quickie

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