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IAKaraokeGirl 10-13-2004 02:23 PM

Depends on what you're jumping in. ;)

I am sooooooo bored.

texascubfan 10-13-2004 02:32 PM

how very tue. nothing like taking the afternoon off, only to find there's nothing to do!

"I could really go for a nice cigar right now"

Salacious 10-13-2004 08:39 PM


I'd enjoy a red-headed slut right about now!

osuche 10-13-2004 09:41 PM

LMAO. I've got one of those. ;)

I'd really enjoy having a certain Pixie here in person right about now...

musicman 10-13-2004 09:42 PM


I could really use an all night full on sex session right now

osuche 10-13-2004 09:43 PM


I have NO willpower when it comes to sex. ;)

musicman 10-13-2004 09:44 PM


I'm in the mood - BIG TIME

osuche 10-13-2004 09:45 PM


If someone were home with me, I'd jump 'em

Mercury_Maniac 10-13-2004 09:46 PM

false, i'm never in the mood, probably because i've had a chance so the mood hasn't hit yet or something, or maybe i'm always in the mood and i didn't realize it

Today was shitty, hope tomorrow is better.

musicman 10-13-2004 09:47 PM

well I'm not home alone - but no chance of being jumped

I could use some jumping

osuche 10-13-2004 09:48 PM

Very true! (more circular logic)

I could be slightly naughty tonight

musicman 10-13-2004 09:49 PM


I could be VERY naughty tonight (and well into tomorrow morning too)

osuche 10-13-2004 09:51 PM

True...although I am getting a bit tired...

I always sleep better with someone beside me.

hardhornyhubby 10-14-2004 04:51 AM


i always wondered if i was changed into a woman would the first thing i would do, be have a "play"

jseal 10-14-2004 08:01 AM


Fall has arrived!

IAKaraokeGirl 10-14-2004 08:16 AM


I hate rain.

dicksbro 10-14-2004 08:59 AM

False ... kind of.

I think if it wants to rain at night while I'm sleeping, it's perfectly okay. :D :D

Pita 10-14-2004 09:16 AM

True enough

I love when all my chores are done early.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-14-2004 09:16 AM


I love getting organized.

cbass1976 10-14-2004 09:44 AM


i have to work today

Pita 10-14-2004 10:00 AM

True, but not very much.

I am thinking about lunch.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-14-2004 10:26 AM


I am also thinking about taking a nap.

jseal 10-14-2004 10:28 AM


I am eating lunch.

osuche 10-14-2004 10:50 AM


I am also thinking naughty thoughts while eating lunch. :D

jseal 10-14-2004 10:58 AM

True - now.

Leftovers/seconds can be QUITE tasty!

osuche 10-14-2004 11:00 AM

Hmmmm...lunch or sex? ;)

And the enswer is yes to both. :D

I have a craving for something sweet

dicksbro 10-14-2004 03:40 PM

Awww ... ya' should have just asked me. :D


I love those peanut butter pumpkins Reese's has come out with (like the peanut butter eggs at Easter).

cbass1976 10-14-2004 11:39 PM


i love snickers

dicksbro 10-15-2004 01:47 AM

False, I have other favorites. However, I do like them.

I like cheeseburgers

Sharni 10-15-2004 03:37 AM


I love KFC

Glyndwr 10-15-2004 04:33 AM


This rain will never stop

KatieGirl 10-15-2004 04:34 AM

First Post
I love KFC

False (I hope!)

I am a Virgin

Glyndwr 10-15-2004 04:37 AM

True - Noticing that was your first post, you did mean pixies virgin didn't you?

I'm not going to work today

WildIrish 10-15-2004 08:03 AM


Well, depending on how technical you wanna get. I mean, I am here at work...but they can't make me perform work! Oh damn, yes they can. Crap!


I don't know what's for supper tonight.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-15-2004 08:04 AM

True...me and the two kiddos are on our own this evening...could be scary.

I wish WI would cook for me. :D

WildIrish 10-15-2004 08:05 AM

True! I wish I could cook for me too! I don't to make stuff I like because they won't eat it!

I'm in the mood for chicken marsalla.

hardhornyhubby 10-15-2004 08:06 AM

True (wish anyone would cook for me)(

I have a hard on at this moment

jseal 10-15-2004 08:22 AM


Fun and Games planned for tonight!

osuche 10-15-2004 08:44 AM

False. Homework and work planned for tonight

I wish I was having fun though

Glyndwr 10-15-2004 08:55 AM

True, this place is always fun

I've got a stiff neck

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