56F/13.3C right now. Mostly sunny to full sun today. The relative humidity is 50%, with a dew point of 38F/3.3C. Only a 10% chance of rain today. The air quality is "good" again, and the pollen count is "low", for grass. Today's high temperature, 64F/17.8C.
48F with clear skies as of midnight. Wind 7mph; barometer 29.90 in; humidity 69%; dew point 35. Forecast high for Monday 54F with light rain. Low Monday night 36F. Tuesday will be the shocker ... rain and SNOW showers. and a high of only 36F.
That was sure a short spring/summer/fall. :shrug: |
32F with cloudy skies. Feels like 29 with 3mph winds. Barometer at 30.14in; humidity at 98%; and the dew point at 31. High today 48F with partly sunny skies. 21% chance of precipitation; 37% humidity expected; UV indes of 5 (Moderate); and mas winds of 13mph.
56F/13.3C right now. Mostly sunny now, with some clouds moving in later. The relative humidity is 63%, and a dew point of 43F/6.1C. There's a 30% chance of a passing afternoon thunderstorm, something we usually see around here a little later in the year. Air quality is rated as "good", with the pollen count rated as "moderate" for grass. The high today should reach 63F/17.2C.
32F/0C right now. Mostly cloudy, with some clearing later on. Relative humidity at 74%, with the dew point at 24F/-4.4C. The air quality is "good" with the pollen count "moderate", for grass. No rain expected today. The high temperature today should only be 53F/11.7C.
41F with clear skies (nice to be above freezing :) ). Winds 3mph; barometer 30.11in; humidity 58%; and dew point 27. Forecast for today, 56F but mostly cloudy. Low tonight 47F.
50F/10C right now. Sunny skies, only a 41% relative humidity, and a dew point of 27F/-2.8C. No rain expected today. The pollen count is back in the "low" range, for grass; the air quality remains "good." Today's high, 63F/17.2C, which is lower than the seasonal average of 70F/21.1C.
50F with cloudy skies at 2:25am (Sat). Winds at 4mph; barometer at 29.92in; humidity 69%; and the dew point 41. Forecast high today 60F with light rain.
We're forecast for mid 60s with increasing clouds leading to rain tonight.
60F/15.5C right now. Mostly sunny skies, becoming more cloudy, leading to heavy overcast tonight. The relative humidity is 34%, with a dew point of 32F/0C. The chance of rain is 40% later today, changing to a certainty overnight tonight/tomorrow. The pollen count is "Moderate" for grass, with the air quality remaining in the "good" range. The high today should be 64F/17.8C.
44F with clear skies. 10mph winds makes it feel like 39F. Barometer 29.99in; humidity 82%; dew point 34. Forecast for today ... high 58F with partly sunny skies; low 49F tonight. 25% chance of precipitation today; humidity 32%; UV index 6 (high); and max winds of 10mph.
62F/16.7C right now. Overcast, with a relative humidity of 52%, and a dew point of 44F/6.7C. No rain expected during the remainder of the day, though. The pollen count is "moderate", with the air quality "good." The high today might reach 65F/18.3C
44F with clear skies at 1am (Mon). Winds at 12mph make it feel like 38F. Barometer at 30.04in; humidity at 63%; and the dew point is at 32. Forecast high today ... 81F with sunny skies. Low tonight 64F. Tomorrow, even warmer with a high of 85F predicted under partly sunny skies.
42F/5.6C right now. Sunny skies, likely continuing all day. The relative humidity is at 60%, with a dew point of 29F/-1.7C. No rain expected. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, while the air quality remains "good." The high today is 65F/18.3C.
And now, 47F/8.3C. Partly cloudy skies today. The relative humidity is 71%, with a dew point of 39F/3.9C. No rain expected, and the pollen count is still "moderate", for grass. The air quality is still "good". The high today shoudl reach a whopping 84F/28.9C.
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