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MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:22 PM

With the heat of their passion quite high,
In the dark she had grabbed the K-Y,
But her burning desire,
Quickly set him on fire,
When she smeared that Ben-Gay on the guy.


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:23 PM

There once was a woman named Sutton,
Who played night and day with her button.
When asked why she did,
She mentioned her id,
And confessed to just being a glutton.


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:24 PM

An accident really uncanny
Befell an unfortunate granny.
She sat down in a chair
While her false teeth were there,
And bit herself right in the fanny!


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:24 PM

There was a young maid from Madras
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think -
It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass! :D


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:25 PM

In convertibles she was quite brash,
When she put her feet up on the dash.
As a trucker drove by,
Her bare crotch caught his eye,
And four people were killed in the crash.


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:27 PM


There once was a freshman named Lin,
Whose tool was as thin as a pin,
A virgin named Joan
From a bible belt home,
Said "This won't be much of a sin."

MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:29 PM

There once was a girl who couldn't shit,
Because she kept playing with 'er clit.
The doctor said 'stop!'.
So she pulled off her top,
And started to play with her tit!


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:30 PM

There was a man from Nantucket
Whose cock was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
If my ear were a snatch I could fuck it!


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:31 PM

There was a young girl from Hoboken
Who claimed that her hymen was broken
From riding her bike
On a cobblestone pike
But it really was broken from pokin'!!!


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:32 PM

There once was a man from the cape
Who fucked a barbarian ape
The ape said you fool
You fucked up my tool
And put all my arse out of shape


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:33 PM

There was a young man from Spartar,
Who was an incredible farter.
At the strength of one bean,
He could play "God Save the Queen,"
And Beethoven's "Moonlight Senata."


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:34 PM

Once a young gay from Khartoum
Took a lesbian up to his room.
They argued all night
Over who had the right
To do what, and with which, and to whom.


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:34 PM

A pretty young lady named Vogel
Once sat herself down on a molehill.
A curious mole
Nosed into her hole --
Ms. Vogel's OK, but the mole's ill.


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:35 PM

There was a young whore from kaloo
Who filled her vagina with glue.
She said with a grin,
"If they pay to get in,
They can pay to get out again too!"


MilkToast 06-06-2003 10:36 PM

There once was a woman named Ann
Who was said to be quite like a man.
When nature did call,
She ran down the hall,
And went to the gentleman's can.


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