30F/-1.1C right now. Cloudy right now, becoming partly cloudy this afternoon. The relative humidity is 93%, and the dew point is 28F/-2.2C. Maybe about a 20% chance of precipitation today. The air quality remains "good." Today's high, 39F/3.9C.
16F with cloudy skies at 2am. Winds at 3mph; barometer at 30.37; humidity at 81% and the dew point at 14. Forecast for today 28F with sunny skies.
29F/-1.7C right now. Partly sunny to partly cloudy skies. Relative humidity of 45%, with a dew point of 11F/-11.7C. No precipitation expected today. The air quality remains "good". Today's high, 30F/-1.1C.
Getting better. 34F with cloudy skies at 12:15am (Mon). Winds at 17mph make it feel like 24, but still ... 34 ain't too bad. Barometer is at 29.80; humidity 92%; and the dew point is at 30. Predicted high today ... 41F with a low of 33. Partly sunny skies. Tomorrow's predicted high is a whopping 55F with sunny skies. I think if the happens we can say "bye, bye" to a lot of our snow. :D
31F/-1C right now. Overcast skies, relative humidity at 73%, and the dew point at 23F/-5C. Mixed crud likely during morning rush hour, changing to all rain during the afternoon. overall, 100% chance of precipitation. Significant accumulation of snow and ice is highly unlikely, with the high temperature today around 40F/4.4C.
39F with clear skies at 2:34am (Tues). Winds are at 11mph; barometer 29.75in; humidity 75%; and the dew point is at 30. Forecast high for today ... 53F with sunny skies. YIPPEE!
39F with clear skies at 1:05am. Barometer is at 29.75in; humidity at 89%; and the dew point is at 33. Predicted high today ... 47F with mostly sunny skies and a low of 24F.
32F/0C right now. The last of the snow & ice from the other day is melting rapidly, raising the relative humidity to 84%, with a dew point of 27F/-2.8C. Clear skies today, almost no chance of rain-maybe 5%. The air quality is back in the "good" range. The high today should reach 59F/15C.
32F with clear skies. Feels like 27 with 5mph winds. Barometer is at 30.31in; humidity is 85%; and the dew point is at 27. Predicted high for Thursday is 46F with partly sunny skies
37F with partly cloudy skies. Winds of 4mph make it feel like 34F. Barometer is at 29.90in; humidity at 97%; and the dew point is 35. High today expected to reach 58F with partly sunny skies. Chance of precipitation is 5%. Looks pretty good to me.
45F with cloudy skies at 2:35am (Sun). Winds at 9mph make it feel like 39F. Barometer is at 29.83in; humidity at 94%; and the dew point is at 42. High today predicted to be 54F with mostly cloudy skies. There's a 60% chance of precipitation; 71% humidity; UV index at 2 (low) and max winds of 17mph.
45F/7.2C right now. Cloudy & rainy, continuing throughout the day. Relative humidity 94%, with the dew point at 43F/6.1C. The air quality continues in the "good" range. Today's high, 46F/7.8C.
29F with clear skies at 1:50am (Mon). Barometer at 30.11in; humidity at 87%; and the dew point at 24. High Monday expected to reach 42F with sunny skies. It'll get better by Tuesday, when the high will get back to 50F. :)
Rain still, continuing until about 0900. The temperature right now is 42F/5.6C. The relative humidity is 96%, with the dew point at 41F/5C. Air quality is in the "good" range. We're under a flood watch again, and maybe some wind: possible gusts later on when it clears, up to 40mph/64kph. The high today should reach 52F/11.1C.
25F with clear skies at 12:30am (Tue). 4mph winds make it feel like 19F. Barometer is at 30.42in; humidity at 80%; and the dew point is at 16. Forecast for today: 50F with sunny skies; 5% chance of precipitation; humidity 43%; UV indes at 4 (moderate); and max winds at 13mph. Not too bad and the sunshine will be nice.
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