23F with cloudy skies as of 1:30am. No wind, barometer at 30.25in; humidity 79% and the dew point is at 18. High today predicted to be 39F with partly sunny skies.
30F/-1.1C right now. Cloudy skies, with a relative humidity of 82%, and a dew point of 25F/-3.9C. 50% chance of snow this morning, but very light, ending around 0900. Clouds should break up after that. The air quality is "good." The high today might reach 38F/3.3C.
21 F, winds gusting to 25, blowing snow, but at least no more in the forecast
34F with clear skies as of 10:40pm (Wed). Feels like 26F with 10mph winds. Barometer is at 29.94in; humidity 73%; and the dew point 27. Predicted high for Thursday, 36F with rain and snow. A low of 14F is expected. Chance of precipitation - 86%.
27F/-2.8C right now. Clear skies, maybe a few clouds moving in later. Relative humidity at 57%, and the dew point at -14F/-10C. No precipitation expected, and the air quality remains "good". The high temperature should warm up, supposed to be around 44F/6.7C.
18F at 4:38am with mostly clear skies. Feels like 3F with 16mph winds. Barometer 29.76in; humidity 64%; and the dew point is 9. High today, 23F with mostly sunny skies. Next 3 days ... snow is expected.
43F/6.1C right now. Mostly sunny skies for the day. Relative humidity is 67%, with the dew point at 33F/1C. Only a 15% chance of rain today. The high today should reach 10.6C.
1F with clear skies at 12:30am but feels like -10. Winds are at 6mph; barometer 30.24in; humidity 72%; and dew point at -5. Forecast for today: high of 5F with light snow. Probability of precipitation is 63%; UV index 2 (low); Max winds 7mph.
The snow has finished coming down, and with the air temperature at 38F/3.3C, what did fall is melting. That puts the relative humidity at 93%, with still overcast skies, and a dew point of 36F/2.2C. No further precipitation expected. Air quality is "good", and we're just under the expected high today of 39F/3.9C.
2F at 11:40pm (Sun) with light snow. Humidity is at 73%; ba rometic pressue 30.36in and the dew point is at -4. High Monday expected to be 15F with a low of 9F. 81% chance of snow.
Considerably colder today: currently 23F/-5C. Clear skies, maybe some clouds later. The relative humidity 56%, with a dew point of 8F/-13.3C. No precipitation expected today. The air quality remains "good." The high today should be 36F/2.2C.
8F with cloudy skies as of 3:30am (Tues). Feels like -3F with winds of 7mph. Barometer is at 30.36in; humidity at 73%; and dew point at 2. Forecast for today is a high of 12F with partly sunny skies.
30F/-1.1C right now. Cloudy conditions are heavy, with some sun later on. Relative humidity at 79%, with a dew point of 24F/-4.4C. Maybe a 5% chance of precipitation today. The air quality remains "good." The high temperature should reach 49F/9.4C.
5F with cloudy skies at 12:18am. Feels like -2 with winds at 3mph. Barometer 30.48in; humidity 56%; and the dew point is at -6. High today expected to be 13F with snow showers. Another beautiful day in Paradise. (Not quite so nice here. :( )
31F/-1C right now. Partly cloudy right now, becoming more so this evening. The high should be around 40F/4.4C, but that should be early on, turning colder later. The current relative humidity is 50-60%, with the dew point at 25F/-3.9C. There's a 50%-60% chance of precipitation, which likely starts out as rain, changing to snow during the nighttime. Snow likely tomorrow morning as well, 1"-3" (2.5cm-7.6cm) total accumulation.
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