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imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:19 PM

oh wowwwwwww man you guys are good tonight!

Right back at cha babe!

You know what..I think I am a winner.....

musicman 02-16-2004 10:20 PM

in what? LOL

I think not my dear :D

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:21 PM

I am a winner at just being me! GEEZ put a girl down why don't ya???

musicman 02-16-2004 10:22 PM

on the bed? couch? floor? over my knee? where would you like to "go down"??

skyler_m 02-16-2004 10:23 PM

i'm a weiner!

musicman 02-16-2004 10:24 PM

skyler - what up?

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:24 PM

OK OK good point....can i say..all of the above MM????

musicman 02-16-2004 10:26 PM

I don't know - can you?

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:28 PM

what's up wiht you MM!!!! Geez..give me some slack babe.


So, what is the prize?

musicman 02-16-2004 10:28 PM


imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:29 PM


So, who wants to win me???

musicman 02-16-2004 10:30 PM

how do I sign up? there some kind of raffle?? :D

skyler_m 02-16-2004 10:30 PM

*waves my hand*

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:31 PM

MM--you said i was the prize...how should we set this up???

musicman 02-16-2004 10:35 PM

your place or mine?

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