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skyler_m 02-16-2004 08:35 PM

you'll have to keep reaching for a while...

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 08:40 PM

I am searching....so who made you the award giver??? Or is this some trick for a free feel??? LOL

skyler_m 02-16-2004 08:42 PM

it's a trick... but please don't stop now. :hot:

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 08:44 PM

MAN, why didn't anyone warn me that I was falling for this trick? Digging in your pocket for a prize. man o man. Well, what the heck.........

skyler_m 02-16-2004 08:46 PM

i'll put my hand in your pocket if it makes you feel any better...

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 08:50 PM

OH wow what a difference that makes....much better.

So, does this mean I am not a winner??? lol

skyler_m 02-16-2004 08:51 PM

there's still a chance...

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 08:59 PM

so.....if your hand is in my pocket and my hand is in yours...how will we ever be able to pay attention to who wins???

skyler_m 02-16-2004 09:03 PM

hell, i forgot i'm naked. whose pocket is your hand in???

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:09 PM

OH NO another stinin' trick? What's up with that anyway? You're bad!

So...no prize yet? Is this a man hunt or a treasure hunt??? hehe

musicman 02-16-2004 10:10 PM

you think you got the lead, dontcha??? well ha - I'm taking it over (albeit briefly I'm sure!)

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:12 PM

But MM i wanna be in front position!

musicman 02-16-2004 10:14 PM

I like being on top though!

imaginewithme 02-16-2004 10:16 PM

That is a wonderful position to be in.

musicman 02-16-2004 10:17 PM

with you I'm sure it is! :D

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