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osuche 04-14-2007 08:41 PM

I think I killed the thread

I met one of the founders of Starbucks today
I surprized a fellow student
I worked out and had Chipotle, and am feeling more content in this moment than I have for a long time

campingboy 04-15-2007 12:42 AM

It was a lovely spring day here so:
1) Started my day off with a big latte and read the Newspaper.
2) Worked on a friends computer - turning it into a Linux system
3) Went shopping for some part for the trailer I'm building.

dicksbro 04-15-2007 03:14 AM

1) I woke up too early
2) We have church this morning
3) Hosting a dinner this evening

IowaMan 04-15-2007 07:11 AM

I woke up too early too.

Realized very soon into my "long" walk that the chilly air was going to be a bit much for me so I made it only about 25 min. :(

One last once over for my taxes before I mail them in. They've been done for nearly two months but I've been too damn lazy to mail them. :sad:

osuche 04-15-2007 10:32 AM

I have to finish my taxes today
I'll spend the rest of the day working on my two class finals and getting ready for the end of the semester
I'm feeling better than yesterday, although not perfect

Lilith 04-15-2007 11:26 AM

I made this very cool scarf this morning.

I paid off a high interest credit card.

I am getting excited about my summer vacation. 29 days of school left.

cavegirl 04-15-2007 11:41 AM

I am tired
I have been busy cooking all day
I am ready to go get a long soak and get into bed

rabbit 04-15-2007 01:14 PM

1) Must finish studying for Japanese class
2) I am just pissed at watching snow fall...it is fucking April 15!!!! :mad:
3) Cut myself pretty good shaving this morning...rare accident for me

IowaMan 04-16-2007 05:06 PM

- mailed in my taxes. (first time I've ever waited this long)

- Spent the day in "the city" shopping and even taking in a matinee.

- I'm the happiest right now that I've been in quite some time. :D

Irezumi Kiss 04-17-2007 03:04 PM

- After I dropped off some unnecessary belongings at the Salvation Army store up the street from my apartment, I was offered a chance to buy this guy's television set from him for $25. He and his girlfriend were in the process of moving out of their place nearby and I'm guessing he didn't want to lug it to the van. I told him I couldn't do it as I was flat broke. A minute later he runs back to me before I move away from the store window (I was looking at a used TV for $44) and tells me I can have the TV for free if I cart it away myself. The fucked up thing is that he tells me it's an older 27" model that his former roommate left behind. Older as in not flatscreen and very heavy. Without a cart or some sort of doily, it'd be impossible to lug it the block and some change back to my apartment. With no money on me, there's no way I can bribe any storefront to lend me theirs for twenty minutes, so...I had to let this catch go back in the water.

- I was momentarily pissed off at not being able to get that set, but after some minutes of walking around (what I planned to do today anyway, as it's my day off) I figured that, a) it might've been busted in some fashion to begin with, and b) I might've busted my back trying to lug that sucker up solo two stories to my apartment in the process. I'll miss not being able to watch porn on a wide screen, but at least I can walk straight!

- I walked into the city across the Brooklyn Bridge and bought three apples in Chinatown for $1 after burning thru my breakfast's fuel, eating one. Then I came to the Apple Store in SoHo where I'm writing this right now. Sometimes being broke doesn't mean you can't have fun with the free (and cheap) stuff you CAN do.

IowaMan 04-17-2007 05:03 PM

- It appears that my first winter by myself in small town Iowa away from immediate medical attention is now over. Can't say it was all that easy for me but I am happy to say that the game of life appears to have slowed down for me now and as I look around I see that I am still winning. Won't live to be eight years old my ass! :D

- I'm hoping my weekend plans for a trip to South Bend, Indiana haven't been cancelled but I haven't heard from my best friend to confirm that we're still on for the weekend. Then again, he is a CPA and this is sort of a busy time of the year for him. :p

- Still happy as can be that the work on the house is progressing nicely. :D

Steph 04-19-2007 03:10 AM

1. I haven't been able to be in touch with a lot of people lately & I hope they understand I think of them & pray for them & love them.

2. I think all this technology will be the end of the 'polis' & the real estate moguls will be the new court jester/politicians.


3. I'm still working tons & looking out for the dog.


but I still dream of tropical islands

Miss-Honey-Bee 04-19-2007 04:12 AM

1) Yesterday was quite possibly the most strange and emotional day of my life.

2) I just broke all of my nails. FFS!

3) I'm feeling quite bleh :(

IowaMan 04-19-2007 09:13 PM

- Talked with my sister today for about an hour. It was the first time we've spoken for a couple of months. Felt pretty good to talk with her given that our last conversation didn't end very well. But, tomorrow's her birthday and I had to remind her that she's getting old. :p

- Heading out of town for the weekend tomorrow morning with my best friend, his dad and his son. Going to see the Notre Dame spring football game.

- Had a very interesting request made to me today by someone at City Hall in my little metropolis. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what they asked me to do. I doubt I'll take them up on it but ......... I'll think about it.

oh, and the Cubs are playing the hated Cardinals this weekend!!! GO CUBBIES!!!

sodaklostsoul 04-19-2007 09:51 PM

Its been a long week working 2 stores. I'm tired.
Don't feel at home in my new home store.
I can't trust my new manager and it sucks.

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