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mara 03-20-2007 07:00 PM

1. Got outside for a nice walk in the sunshine. Definitely needed it.

2. I can now say that I have a nice guy friend.

3. I just had carrot cake for dessert...yum!

Irezumi Kiss 03-21-2007 02:43 PM

- I'm so buzzed from last night's drunk. Had a nice time, so happy.

- I'm eating cold spaghetti from last night's takeout right now. I added chili oil to it and it's spicy....goooooooooood....

- I'm crushing on the Quentin Tarantino-Robert Rodriguez' Grindhouse trailer. That's my kinda movie.

IowaMan 03-21-2007 04:17 PM

Learned something new, and actually pretty significant, from my lung specialist today that hopefully will help a lot in my treatment.

It felt great to be someplace where the stoplights were actually used for something other than a decoration on Main Street.

I rubbed yogurt all over my meat and am letting it sit for 24 hours. :slurp:

maddy 03-21-2007 06:38 PM

I didn't accomplish much today, but had an interesting albeit long/leisurely meeting.

I'm really hungry in the evenings, I can't seem to stop eating once I walk through the door.

I'm ready for the weekend!

osuche 03-21-2007 10:03 PM

I dealt with more fallout from a firing today

I also am working on hiring, feeling the death/life connection

My task list it too long to get done, ever. It makes me tired

grl2naughty 03-22-2007 11:21 AM

I made it through my surgery and feel pretty good today. Thanks to a few of you and your good thoughts for me as I was going through this procedure. :)

My mom has one more surgery to go and then she will be like a whole new person. :)

I have been pampered all this week and I have to say that I have enjoyed it.

IowaMan 03-22-2007 12:29 PM

Lots of "meaning of life" kinds of things going thru my mind right now. More than usual, and that's saying something.

Still can't find a computer that will let me get into the site to create an IowaMan M&M. Something about the flash player blocks me out. :mad:

I indeed made the right decision. I really did.

Lilith 03-22-2007 02:32 PM

There's no place like home
There's no place like home
There's no place like home

Irezumi Kiss 03-22-2007 02:54 PM

- There's a biiiiiiiiiig $10 sale on the Global Underground DJ series in the dance/electronica music section at Virgin Megastore. The CDs are in 2-disc sets and were originally $26 apiece.

- Getting over an all-night drunk isn't the easiest of days to go thru and I feel it the day after the next, when my body wails for the nutrients I burned. So it's been veggie soups, pasta and grapefruit juices ever since. I'm making a vow not to go the distance again for a while.

- Tonight is the last day I can see that Iwo Jima flick on the big screen, so I'm going to check that out after work. I normally would see something more "fun" but a movie like that is better seen large with booming sonics. Watching it at home would not do it justice.

osuche 03-23-2007 12:09 AM

I found two strong job candidates today

We ate cereal for dinner

I was the first one in and the last to leave work

IowaMan 03-23-2007 02:14 PM

I think I'm having some slight side effects from an antibiotic I just started taking yesterday. Believe I'll take a friend's advice and see the doc about it. Over the last half hour I've realized that my left eye is about half way swollen shut. :yikes:

Very happy to hear from an old friend via email and loved that she reminded me just how good I was at my old job. :p

I need Florida, Oregon, North Carolina and Georgetown to win their basketball games tonight.

Bonus thing: I'm still frustrated as hell by not being able to create an M&M IowaMan. :hair:

osuche 03-24-2007 04:53 PM

I drank too much wine last night

I have a final to complete, but I feel incapacitated because of ^^

I have aparty to go to tonight, if I can stomache it and if I finish the final

osuche 03-29-2007 11:51 AM

I think I killed the thread....

I'm planning on having lunch with Mr Osuche today
I've worked 35 hours this week through Wednesday night...and I have 2 days left to go.
Looking forward to a romantic weekend, I hope.

Lilith 03-29-2007 09:30 PM

1. It is possible to urinate in a graham cracker bag.

2. Urine soaked boy socks are grosser than regular boy socks.

3. I'm losing them and I don't know if its the battle or the war.

osuche 03-30-2007 12:59 PM

Tonight I plan on taking a walk with Mr Osuche, fixing tuna steak for dinner, and cuddling on the couch

I am still desperately behind

I did a big about face and I'm wondering if my judgment is right

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