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Christine 06-05-2003 10:01 AM


BlondeCurlGirl 06-05-2003 10:06 AM

*sneaks in after the lovely Christine*


FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:19 AM

#3632 - *sneak UP behind BlondeCurlGirl* woo hoo

Christine 06-05-2003 10:23 AM

# 3633
*accidentally rubs up against Fussy* :wingang:

FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:29 AM

#3634 - *sings happy birthday to himself* well it's got to be if that's happening !!!

*sneaks in a quick fondle of Christine's bottom while nobody is looking* :dizzy:

FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:32 AM

#3635 - oh and by the way does anyone here believe the angelic look from naughty Christine ??

T-S 06-05-2003 10:34 AM

Originally posted by FussyPucker

*sneaks in a quick fondle of Christine's bottom while nobody is looking* :dizzy:

do you think there's a second when someone isn't watching Christines bum ;) :D :lust:


FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:37 AM

#3637 - of course....because although her bottom is extra yummy the rest of this delightful and very sexy women is even better!

T-S 06-05-2003 10:41 AM

Originally posted by FussyPucker
#3637 - of course....because although her bottom is extra yummy the rest of this delightful and very sexy women is even better!

#3638 very true Fussy but wouldn't say it in ear shot of Aqua ;) :D

Christine 06-05-2003 10:47 AM

# 3639

Fussy's bottom ain't half bad either...:p
(I'd say something nice about yours too, T-S, but alas I haven't seen it yet! *grin*)

FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:48 AM

#3640 - LOL Now I'm sure even a selfconfessed botty watcher like aqua would have to agree that women have other lovely bits besides backsides ! :D

FussyPucker 06-05-2003 10:50 AM

#3641 - awwwwwwwww Christine you're so sweet !.....can I pop you in my mouth n suck n lick until you're all gone (or should that be cum?) ? :D:p:D

T-S 06-05-2003 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Christine

(I'd say something nice about yours too, T-S, but alas I haven't seen it yet! *grin*)

#3642 - anytime you want a private viewing ;) :lust:

FussyPucker 06-05-2003 11:09 AM

#3643 - Don't make me start a thread insisting you start posting pics T-S I'm sure there's plenty of ladies here that wanna see you....... well bits of you anyway ;) LOL

GusAspar 06-05-2003 11:19 AM


Just throwing in my twopenn'orth - have a nice day, everyone.

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