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Sharni 06-04-2003 10:33 PM


Piano or Organ?

campingboy 06-05-2003 12:01 AM


French horn or obo?

Wisper 06-05-2003 12:43 AM

obo...only b/c it's in relation to the instruments i played in band...clarinet & bass clarinet :)

Member of: Band or Choir

*both for me* :)

Sharni 06-05-2003 03:26 AM

Used to be in a choir

Modern or Antique

Sugarsprinkles 06-05-2003 09:20 AM


doggy or cowgirl?

kleclere 06-05-2003 04:58 PM


pussy or mouth

Sugarsprinkles 06-05-2003 08:16 PM

damn, another impossible choice!!!

oral or vaginal?

dicksbro 06-05-2003 08:45 PM

Same question and I struggled with it when kleclere asked. LOL

Okay Oral on days that have more than five letters and Vaginal on those ending in 'day.'

Let it rip or hold off a bit?

FussyPucker 06-06-2003 02:46 AM

LET RIP !!!!! always better out than in :D

pick n flick or poke n wipe (yes I'm gross but nose cleaning is important!)

skipthisone 06-06-2003 08:23 AM

First....you gross hog!!!!.....but poke and wipe...with a TISSUE!!!

Slip and dip or Poke and thrust??

Lilith 06-06-2003 08:33 AM

slip and dip

once or twice?

Sharni 06-06-2003 04:19 PM

Twice :D

Pink or Blue?

Lilith 06-06-2003 08:35 PM


top or bottom?

Devillishgirl 06-06-2003 08:38 PM


Tequila or vodka?

campingboy 06-06-2003 09:16 PM


Iced coffee or IIIiice tea?

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