![]() |
False. I'm no where near it, lol.
I stole summer. |
I enjoy drinking a nice cold beer on a hot day |
So true! I even enjoyed the beers on the cold patio this evening/morning.
I avoid Friday the 13th superstitions. |
Bus versus Train |
National Park or Theme Park? |
Theme park
Cup VS Mug? |
Mug. Why wish for a loaf of bread, when you can wish for a grocery store. :)
Bright sun or slight overcast? |
Bright sun
Rain VS Snow |
I love spending time with friends. |
I have more friends on line then in real life. |
False. I have few online friends...but the few I have are very close
I think it's fun meeting new people online |
I love the beach |
I do, as long as I don't have to wear a bathing suit ::cringe::
I love my pet dog |
True I love him just about more than anything.
I love spending time with family |
Its good to be home. |
I have plans for tonight |
I hope to get my windows washed tomorrow |
True, by me, though, alas.
I could never hire someone to clean my house. |
I'm a professional cleaner by trade |
My application security class was valuable. |
I'm listening to music |
Stained glass can be beautiful. |
It was a gorgeous day here |
False - supposed to enjoy some of what the Florida Pixies enjoyed last night.
Melbourne has a bit of an ant problem. |
I imagine it could
I am sick of rain. |
More rain is forecast for today. |
We need rain badly |
false, we've just had a full week of horrible misty crappy rainy floody weather, and its meant to stay all month!
I really wnat to work outside |
True...but not right now *L*
I need coffee |
false I've just had a tea,
i really should be out having a good time on a saturday night.. |
False....tis Sunday morning
I'm going to put another jumper on |
false, getting slighty more and more naked!
i'm enjoying a nice cold glass of OJ? |
I'm drinking coffee |
false but since you said that i'm now going to get one
do you take milk and sugar? |
False....just milk...i'm sweet enough :D
You take milk and sugar? |
depends, in tea and crappy coffee yes. good coffee just sugar!
do you ever dunk a biscuit into your hot drinks? |
Shit yeah *LOL*
You? |
GOD YEAH! nothing better!
have you ever went christmas shopping on x-mas eve after 5pm? |
*L*...yep...i tend to leave things til the last minute :D
You? |
yeap gotta love 24hour garages!
ever recycled a old present? |
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