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MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:08 PM

R is for Rhoda consumed by a fire


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:09 PM

S is for Susan who perished of fits


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:10 PM

T is for Titus who flew into bits


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:10 PM

U is for Una who slipped down a drain


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:11 PM

V is for Victor squashed under a train


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:11 PM

W is for Winnie embedded in ice


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:12 PM

X is for Xerxes devoured by mice


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:13 PM

Y is for Yorick whose head was knocked in


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:13 PM

Z is for Zillam who drank to much gin


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:14 PM

an excellent on-line version with the illustrations can be found at http://brennick.com/ddga/


MilkToast 06-04-2003 08:15 PM

OK... time to go do something else (for a while :D)


(5/20/23 6:03 AM)

MilkToast 06-04-2003 09:48 PM

258 things to do when you're bored

(not including posting to this thread :p)

posted in groups of 10 (and one of 8, of course)...

found this at: http://xar.us/funny/bored.html


Lilith 06-04-2003 09:50 PM


post each one please seperately :p:D

MilkToast 06-04-2003 09:50 PM

1. Wax the ceiling.
2. Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car.
3. Drop your cat from a high place, to see if it really does land on all four feet.
4. Repeat above until failure.
5. Rearrange political campaign signs.
6. Sharpen your teeth.
7. Play Houdini with one of your siblings.
8. Braid your dogs hair.
9. Clean and polish your belly button.
10. Water your dog...see if he grows.


Lilith 06-04-2003 09:51 PM


Irish Cream and Butterscotch schnapps....cures what ails you ;)

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