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Sharni 01-06-2005 04:58 PM

The thought of going shopping :D

WildIrish 01-06-2005 05:36 PM

Talking to a cute little boy.

Sharni 01-06-2005 05:37 PM

A video

IAKaraokeGirl 01-07-2005 01:29 PM

Playing with a dreidel while waiting for my son's Jewish doctor to come in. :D

WildIrish 01-07-2005 04:47 PM

a catalyst...and listening to home improvement talk

imaginewithme 01-08-2005 02:33 AM

receiving pictures of the snow

asp 01-08-2005 02:51 AM

Imagining her in the snow........and the Hawks beating the Rams......get some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

osuche 01-08-2005 11:07 AM

My MIL...getting a good night's sleep :)

IAKaraokeGirl 01-08-2005 11:07 AM

doing the hair of two little girls

imaginewithme 01-08-2005 11:49 AM

listening to some goooood music......... and making myself get some stuff done today that I keep putting off.

Lilith 01-08-2005 12:20 PM

Planning projects for Mr. Lil :D

lizzardbits 01-08-2005 10:37 PM

hearing a description of the world's sweetest kiss from my man and that he'll kiss me that way this summer, awww and *melts*

Lilith 01-08-2005 10:45 PM

A thank you note I got in the mail from hospice, he's been on my mind so much lately and it just felt good to see his name somewhere, typed, printed, like he is still important (to more than just us here some how), still around, not forgotten.

imaginewithme 01-09-2005 11:08 AM

^^ that did ^^ you are definately one of a kind Lilith!

PantyFanatic 01-09-2005 12:18 PM

LixyChick :)

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