65F with clear skies. Humidity is at 86% and the dewpoint is 61. High today forecast to be 86F with partly sunny skies. Be nice to get back down into the 70s or even low 80s.
Oh well. :( |
68F/20C right now. Mostly cloudy, with more sunshine later on today. Relative humidity 90%, with the dew point at 65F/18.3C. Pollen count high for grass, and the air quality is rated "good". Overall chance of rain 20%. Today's high, 88F/31.1C.
At 12:41AM (7/14), 67F with clear skies. High today expected to reach 90F but tomorrow looks better with a high of only 82 expected.
93deg with 50% humidity later a high of 97
72F with clear skies and humidity at 88% with a dewpoint of 68. High predicted for Wednesday is 80F but with rain expected. At least the high will be refreshing and the rain won't really hurt either, except we're reaching the point when farmers with a lot of corn planted and hoping a bit more for dry weather so their crops won't have to be dried in the silo (an expense they don't really need).
66F/18.9C right now. Mostly sunny skies, changing to mostly cloudy later on. Relative humidity 88%, dew point 16.7C. No rain expected today, and the high should be 90F/32.2C.
75F/23.9C right now. Mostly cloudy skies, with a relative humidity of 87%, and a dew point of 70F/21.1C. overall chance fo rain today, 40%, but the air quality is rated "good", and the pollen rated "moderate" for grass. High temperature should reach 89F/31.7C.
At midnight it's 69F with clear skies which is also the forecasted low. High today predicted to be 89F with sunny skies. Humidity is at 90% and the dewpoint at 66. No precipitation in today's forecast.
85F/29.4C at 1132. Sunny today, maybe few clouds later on. Relative humidity 65%, dew point at 73F/22.8C. Air quality "good", the pollen count is "high" for grass. Today's high, 93F/33.9C.
73F with partly cloudy skies at 12:40am. Humidity is at 77% with the dewpoint at 66. High today forecast to be 83F with mostly cloudy skies.
77F/25C right now; hot & wet today. Relative humidity 79%, dew point at 70F/21.1C, with partly cloudy skies. 40% overall chance of rain, with probably scattered thunderstorms during the morning. Today's high, 97F/36.1C.
The heat wave continues. 72F/22.2C right now. Mostly dry, mostly sunny skies. Relative humidity 83%, dew point at 67F/19.4C. Overall chance of rain, 30%, the pollen count is "moderate" for grass, the air quality is "good". Outside chance of a stray thunderstorm in the afternoon-that's DC for you.Today's high, 95F/35C, which is still lower than yesterday's predicted and actual 97F/36.1C.
71F with partly cloudy skies at 9:23pm. Humidity is at 97% with a dew point of 70. Tomorrow we're looking at a high of 84F with partly sunny skies. COVID-19 aside, this has not been a fun summer weather-wise. :(
73F/22.8C right now. Fog and clouds right now, with 93% relative humidity, and a dew point of 71F/21.7C. Overall chance of rain today, 80%. The air quality is "good", with the pollen count rated as "moderate" for grass. Thunderstorms this afternoon, some of which might be severe. We have a continued heat warning, with the high reaching 94F/34.4C.
71F with clear skies at 11pm. High Thursday expected to be 83F with sunny skies. UV index is 8 (Very High).
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