77F with mostly clear skies; humidity is at 82% with the dewpoint at 69. Rain showers are predicted for today with a high of 80F expected.
69F and partly cloudy. Humidity is at 94% and the dewpoint is 67. Looks like the high today will be 84F with rain beginning around 5am and continuing til around noon-ish.
Same here, but the relative humidity is 92%, and the dew point 65F/18.3C. Usual possible afternoon shower or t-storm may develop. Overall chance of rain, 30%. The high might reach 86F/30C.
73F with mostly clear skies at 1:52am. Humidity is at 94% with a dewpoint of 71. High today under mostly cloudy skies is forecast to be 87F. Another hot, humid day in the heartland. Better than the next nine days which are expected to be in the low 90s. :(
71F/21.7C right now; sunny skies, with a relative humidity of 89%, and a dew point of 63F/17.2C. No rain expected today. The high should reach around 90F/32.2C.
71F with clear skies at 1:30am. Humidity is at 75% with a dewpoint of 62. High today expected to reach 90F with partly sunny skies. A cooling trend and some rain would be welcome about now. :shrug:
86F/30C right now. Sunny skies again, 54% relative humidity, dew point a low 67F/19.4C. Sunny and hot, nor rain expected, and even the grass pollen has gone from "high" to "moderate". Today's high, 95F/35C.
Now 72F/22.2C; another scorcher in the works. Partly cloudy, with a relative humidity of 95%, and a dew point of 68F/20C. Most likely rain and thunderstorms moving in later, 50% chance overall. Until then, the grass pollen is rated high; the high temperature will probably be 90F/32.2C.
73F with clear skies at 3:15am heading up to 88F with partly sunny skies. 50% chance of a shower around 3pm today but it doesn't look like it'll last long. Got a heck of a shower LAST night. Lightning and thunder and torrents of rain beating down. Only lasted about 20 minutes or so but one of our neighbors had over an inch in their rain guage. Other folks we talked to that live in different parts of our town didn't get any.
75F/23.9C right now; sunny skies, no rain expected today. Hot and humid, with the dew point at 70F/21.1C, and the relative humidity at 99%. High temperature, 92F/33.3C.
71F with partly cloudy skies. Humidity, however, is at 95% and the dewpoint sits at 70. This is at 20 minutes to 1am. :(
Today is expected to shoot up to 89F with partly sunny skies. I slept through it, but my wife said we really got a short but heavy rain again last night so between the heat and humidity ... won't be a very nice day to be out unless feeling like a pizza in the oven is your cup of tea. :shrug: |
Cloudy for most of the day today, with some sunshine later. Current temperature, 80F/26.7C. Relative humidity 73%, with the dew point standing at 71F/21.7C. Overall chance of rain 20%, the pollen count is rated at "moderate", for grass, and the air quality is "good". Today's high, 87F/30.6C.
71F at 10 minutes to 1am Saturday. High today forecast to be 87F with partly sunny skies. Humidity is at 79% and the dewpoint stands at 65.
Stop me if you've heard this one before:
83F/28.3C right now; about equal parts clouds and sun. Relative humidity at 71%, with the dew point at 71F/21.7C. Air quality today rated "good" with the grass pollen rated "moderate". Overall chance of rain 20%. Today's high, 89F/31.7C. |
62F at a couple of minutes before midnight (Sat). Humidity is at 100% and the dewpoint is at 62. Sunday's high expected to be 85F with partly sunny skies. We did get some heavy rain for about an hour and a half when I laid down about 7pm which no doubt added to the humidity. Lots of lightning and thunder and even some small hail. That's over, thank heavens, at least for now.
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