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Irezumi Kiss 01-31-2007 03:11 PM

I should feel stupid that I paid good money to go see "Epic Movie" because it was REALLY bad and not that "bad-in-a-good-way" bad. But I kinda KNEW it was going to be bad...and I ended up enjoying it somehow, for reasons I can't quite figure out.

I've got a minor buzz from drinking last night. Now I'm purifying myself with lots of water and orange juice.

I can't get this woman I sat next to at the bar last night out of my brain. She was cute, short and deliciously deep-cleavaged. I sat down one chair away from her just to give that personal space and then less than five minutes later two of my male friends unexpectedly show up and sit on either side of me, chatting me up. I found myself angry at them because not only did I initially want to drink alone, but upon seeing this woman, all I wanted to do was chill quietly and snatch glances at her wonderful bustline instead of talking bullshit to their drunk asses. When she eventually made to leave with her friend and put on her long wool coat she kept the front open, letting her breasts breathe, almost as if buttoning it up fully would suffocate her treasure chest despite the cold outside. Aiiiiiyyaah....

grl2naughty 02-01-2007 11:37 AM

1.) I feel real bitchy today and have good reason for it.

2.) Some people would say that I am a "Bitch" period. I do wear that name proudly. :D

3.) I am praying that my mom comes out of this surgery as well as to be expected.

Miss-Honey-Bee 02-01-2007 11:47 AM

1. I am a nymph, apparantly.

2. I *heart* Oreos

3. I *heart* giving hand jobs... why? Dunno.

My miind is slightly in the gutter today. Where it belongs LOL x

IowaMan 02-01-2007 03:56 PM

Not sure I can keep it to three today, hope that's okay. Is there some sort of Pixies Kangaroo Court that I'll have to pay my fine to? And dammit PF, put that hand back. I saw what was there when you asked Madame Lil to read your palm. And I know what I've been doing with my hand, I'd hate like hell for the $$$ to get stuck between our hands. :roflmao:

*I think there's a new Grey's on tonight. Can't wait to see that. :D

*Got to PM with a Pixie today and hopefully put their mind at ease a bit about a family medical situation. I tried my best anyway.

*Absolutely flabbergasted at how Pixies will volunteer to lend a hand to a complete stranger. Amazing people here.

*I'm still on Cloud One-Million from a phone conversation I had last night.

*I'd love to be in the Bay Area tonight for Chicken Parmesan. ;)

WildIrish 02-01-2007 04:42 PM

The past few days took a big physical and emotional toll on me.

The next few days will as well.

I'm wondering if the leader of the Pixies Kangaroo Court will be nekid under that robe.

Irezumi Kiss 02-01-2007 05:10 PM

I saw a girl on the train today, who looked just absolutely PURRRFECT for me. Cute, friendly face, glasses, artsy-looking, colorful, low-maintenance fashion sense...unfortunately, I only saw her when I got up to leave because my nose was stuck in that erotica paperback that's kept my commutes in a state of priapated joy this week. And she was looking at me, too. Or maybe I wanna think she was looking at me through the glare of her glasses. What IS for certain is that I'll never see her again.

I ate Italian Wedding soup for lunch.

I've almost filled up my LibraryThing.com account. Basic free catalog is up to 200 books. I'll have to pay $25 for an unlimited catalog, lifetime membership, which I probably will do as it's so addictive and I have more books I'd like throw up there.

Lilith 02-01-2007 05:40 PM

1. It's pitch black and storming with tornadoes and funnels.

2. I could work 3 weeks straight and still be behind.

3. Until yesterday I had not had alone time in so long I almost forgot how to do it.

mike'lingerie 02-01-2007 05:56 PM

1. i am horney sitting here in my lingerie looking for some one to chat with .....

2. fighting with the old lady

3. unemployed and looking for a job to pay the bills


osuche 02-01-2007 06:33 PM

I spent my day running reports and building bonds with my team. It was a good day

I'm heading to the gym here in a minute. :)

I'm having dinner with friends (at my house) ~ and even though I know I should do homework instead I think it'll be fun

maddy 02-01-2007 07:19 PM

I've been to the gym every week day for about 4 weeks in a row.

I made it a shorter than normal day at work today, and didn't know what to do with myself when I got home.

I didn't exactly eat the way I should have today, but I really needed to give into this craving.

PantyFanatic 02-01-2007 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Miss-Honey-Bee
1. I am a nymph, apparantly.

2. I *heart* Oreos

3. I *heart* giving hand jobs... why? Dunno.

My miind is slightly in the gutter today. Where it belongs LOL x

My kind of girl. :loveshowe

I TOLD you I was going to like her. :p

WildIrish 02-02-2007 10:18 AM

I would gladly give Lil step by step instructions on how to be alone, if she'd like.

I'm sure the cravings maddy is referring to are not near as filthy-minded as the ones I'm envisioning for her.

I'm heading out of town again today.

IowaMan 02-02-2007 10:20 AM

*I'm waiting (not very patiently) for the next update on my friend up in one of the Mayo centers to come to me. I'd love to call and talk to her mom but I'm sure she's got more important things to do right now than to be spending her time on the phone updating me.

*Had a dream last night that was absolutely unbelievable. It's going to be the inspiration for a story I'm going to write a bit later on today. Hopefully the recipient of the story will enjoy reading it as much as I know I'll enjoy writing it. Got a feeling that's not going to be a problem. ;)

*Just realized that I've got another appt. with one of my specialists on Monday and I'm not really looking forward to it. :(

IAKaraokeGirl 02-02-2007 10:44 AM

1. Things are coming together for my sweetie's 40th birthday celebration in a few weeks, albeit slowly.

2. This weekend I am going to have to help my little speller prepare for the school-wide portion of the spelling bee next week.

3. I need a lot of make-up sleep.

osuche 02-03-2007 02:34 AM

I didn't finish all my homework

I need to reprioritize my life

I am sick and tired of being stressed all the time...so I plan on spending Sarurday night watching movies and vegging

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