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osuche 08-03-2004 01:35 AM

Unfortunately very true

Masturbation gets old.

campingboy 08-03-2004 02:24 AM

Sometimes. But the mind is a wonderful thing, and that adds spice to my life.

I enjoy using oil - all over each other, slipping and sliding, and ....?

dicksbro 08-03-2004 03:51 AM

True ... sometimes.

I love quiet moments with soft touches and appreciative looks.

jseal 08-03-2004 05:57 AM


I enjoy live theatre.

osuche 08-03-2004 07:07 AM


I love blues music...

jseal 08-03-2004 07:25 AM


I wish I didn't have to work for a living.

osuche 08-03-2004 07:26 AM

False. I actually love working...although I struggle with my current role because we are understaffed, underfunded, and laying people off....which is not fun to do. Welcome to an old-world industry in modern times in America

I find satisfaction in a job well done

campingboy 08-03-2004 08:11 AM

True. I was installing a railing on a friends second floor porch. I walked out onto the street and just looked at it. I thought , if I were to do this again, what would I do different?

I saw the American Orient Express over the weekend, and lusted after traveling on it?

osuche 08-03-2004 09:00 AM

False, but I'd like to travel on it

I like trains.

campingboy 08-03-2004 09:37 AM

True. I have some fantacies that need to be played out on a train.

If getting excited by teasing were the spice of life, I would be one happy camper.

Steph 08-03-2004 09:52 AM


I'm a big flirt.

osuche 08-03-2004 10:14 AM

false :rolleyes:

I enjoy swimming

campingboy 08-03-2004 11:03 AM


I enjoy cooking.

jseal 08-03-2004 11:41 AM

True - sometimes

I need a nap!

Pita 08-03-2004 02:24 PM

True, although I won't

I need mop my kitchen floor.

Romial 08-03-2004 02:26 PM


I need to go rent a movie.

imaginewithme 08-03-2004 03:58 PM


I need to tell someone off

dicksbro 08-03-2004 04:39 PM


I need to decide what I want to do.

Pita 08-03-2004 05:02 PM


I need to feed the dog. (He is eating the cat :D)

imaginewithme 08-03-2004 05:03 PM


I need to stay calm.

Sharni 08-03-2004 07:50 PM


I need lots of things

imaginewithme 08-03-2004 09:26 PM

True...even tho I know I shouldn't ...I do.

I have been very tired this week.

Pita 08-03-2004 10:06 PM


I hate when I am sick.

osuche 08-03-2004 10:44 PM


I love the feeling of euphoria after a good workout

campingboy 08-04-2004 12:33 AM

True. and then going into the shower and noticing that your body is tight, and that is good.

I love taking showers. I enjoy the feeling of washing my body. And the feel of being clean afterwards.

osuche 08-04-2004 12:34 AM


I shave in the shower

Steph 08-04-2004 12:51 AM


I like dressing sexy & heading out on the town.

osuche 08-04-2004 12:53 AM


I like working out in the evenings...in and out of bed :p

campingboy 08-04-2004 01:01 AM

True, but that work out has not been getting much attention lately.

I like whispering into my partners ear that I'm cumming?

Steph 08-04-2004 02:17 AM

False, I'm more a groaner, moaner, shouter.

I love the Jamaican accent.

Pita 08-04-2004 08:23 AM

True I do.

I am hungry.

osuche 08-04-2004 11:06 AM

True...kinda...I am eating

I'd rather be having a big Greek salad....

campingboy 08-04-2004 11:12 AM

With extra olives and feta. Yes .... True

Dropping into Pixies is the equivalant of taking a smoke break?

osuche 08-04-2004 11:14 AM

LOL SOmetimes. It helps me re-set my mind between tasks...or when I wanna kill someone for being particularly stupid :p

I am looking forward to vacation?

campingboy 08-04-2004 11:50 AM

raises my hand. Yes. And even seeing my neices and nephew's. I just hope that 13 of them does not become over welming

I like trying to take different sorts of holidays. - road trips, fly and drive, beach/resort, ski...

osuche 08-04-2004 11:53 AM

True. I tend to go places where i have not been before

I enjoy spending time with family

BIBI 08-04-2004 12:49 PM


I like to swim

Steph 08-04-2004 01:03 PM

True, I miss living near clean water. :)

I like hiking.

osuche 08-04-2004 01:15 PM

Very true!

I love musicals

jseal 08-04-2004 02:09 PM

True - taking in “Phantom of the Opera” on the 28th!

They don’t put enough hours in the day for all the stuff I want to do.

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