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IowaMan 01-16-2007 07:10 AM

Need to buy a birthday present for my baby niece, she's turning 15.

New pair of bedroom slippers for me would be a good idea. Without Sarge around to chew on them I guess I can go ahead and buy some new ones now.

Not liking this really cold weather.

osuche 01-16-2007 11:24 AM

Spending yesterday walking around downtown SF was just what the doctor ordered

Today the doctor orders a day resting at home - sadly, I have to work

I had a dizzy spell in the shower. Damn the inner ear!

grl2naughty 01-16-2007 11:45 AM

It is freaking cold here and I hate it.

I am not looking forward to my out patient surgery tomorrow.

One good thing about all of it is I have my husband to keep me warm and also beside me tomorrow. :)

cavegirl 01-16-2007 01:35 PM

I am very tired

I shouldn't have bought the coat I bought this afternoon as I can't afford it

I am looking forward to a hot bath and getting into bed

jbh3 01-16-2007 03:40 PM

I got "COWGIRLED" this afternoon :cboy:

My back is killing me!

I could use a nap about now.

IowaMan 01-17-2007 07:19 PM

Was in Iowa City today for something other than a Hawkeyes sporting event or a trip to the U of I Hospitals for the first time in years. :)

Found a really nice charm bracelet to give to my niece for her birthday.

I have absolutely no excuses now for not busting my ass to really get myself in shape.

Irezumi Kiss 01-17-2007 08:06 PM

I saw Perfume: The Story of a Murderer and Pan's Labyrinth yesterday and they both thrilled and enraptured me, putting me in a better state of mind from the gray, cold, morose day that tried to bring in a depressive, unproductive mood.

I had fun hanging out last night after the flicks and I did my best not to go too crazy even though it's just my one free day out of the week to be crazy, but I'm looking forward to being sober and "pure" again. I don't get things accomplished after I enjoy my liquid vices and I need to keep the forward momentum I started after New Year's going.

I didn't get my laundry done this morning like I wanted to because I came home after 7 a.m.!

flutelady 01-19-2007 03:39 AM

No class on Fridays, thankfully

I'm stressed about a math & pharmacology exam on Monday morning, followed by a 6 hour skills lab.

I really need some stress relief, and although I'm sort of cranky due to math, pharmacology, and a case study I have yet to write, I hope he'll take pity on me and help me de-stress.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-19-2007 11:02 AM

1. In the last 24 hours, I have come into unexpected money--twice.

2. Unfortunately, said money does not number in the thousands. :D

3. Not only have I received unexpected money, but I have also received unexpected mush...which is actually more valuable. :love:

osuche 01-20-2007 12:58 AM

I spent the day nursing my boss' ego and courage

I spent the evening nursing my sick husband

I plan to spend the night recovering from all that nursing!

IowaMan 01-20-2007 08:58 AM

Hoping my body decides it will allow me to go to a benefit dinner tonight.

My new workout regimine isn't agreeing with my left knee. Damn thing is swollen up like a water balloon. Been there before though.

I'd like to be under the sea in an Octopusses garden. Yep, still feel that way IAKG. :D

osuche 01-20-2007 06:28 PM

I got a big compliment from a group of people I respect

I have a secret weapon for my Entrepreneurship class

I am sick of being someone else's hired gun

sodaklostsoul 01-21-2007 10:34 PM

I can't believe it's 10:34 already...where did the evening go.

I have PMS and am a bit depressed.

Wondering if I should go to bed and start over tomarrow.

IowaMan 01-23-2007 02:10 AM

Appt. with my pulmonologist that I wasn't expecting to have a couple of days ago.

I got some inspiration yesterday (Monday) that is hopefully going to help me get over some writer's block. Working on a story that could go a couple of different directions.

Not looking forward to the first thing I listed for the day. He's not going to be happy with me.

dicksbro 01-23-2007 07:44 AM

I got up
I used the bathroom
I washed my hands

(I live such a sheltered life. :( )

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