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MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:48 PM


When making your family's fire-evacuation plan, just remember "LISGM9MN": Leave the house Immediately, Stay low to the Ground, Meet outside, and call 911 froM a Neighbor's house.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:48 PM


Assist firefighters racing to the scene of a blaze by lighting a series of smaller "marker fires" along their path.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:49 PM


If you have children, warn them never to play with matches, because a fire could break out and Sparky The Big Friendly Fire Dog would have to visit the house in his big red truck and give them rides while the firemen put out the fire with water hoses.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:49 PM


Beware the lustful fires that burn in a librarian's heart. They can rage beyond all control.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:50 PM


Before using a fire extinguisher to put out a rapidly spreading fire, be sure to thoroughly read the instructions printed on the side, marking key information with a highlighter pen.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:51 PM


Space heaters are a serious fire hazard and should never be used. (This tip courtesy of your mother.)

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:52 PM


Remember: The old adage "Fight fire with fire" does not apply to non-metaphorical fires.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:53 PM


Many schools give out bright, reflective stickers for children's bedroom windows to alert firefighters. Buy as many of these stickers as you can from neighborhood schoolchildren for your own window.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:53 PM


Every month, check to see that smoke detectors are working by leaving a Tombstone frozen pizza in the oven for 300 minutes.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:54 PM


Do not try to outrun fire, because it's much too fast. Wait, no, that's bears.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:54 PM

3445 {now this is a good suggestion :D}

Firefighters are heroes who perform a vital community service. Stay out of their way when they're working and offer yourself to them sexually when they're not.

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:55 PM

--the end--

MilkToast 06-03-2003 04:58 PM


right before this post there were 11,673 members, 10,820 threads, and 273,752 posts at Pixies!

MilkToast 06-03-2003 05:11 PM

as of this post (if I did all of this right)....

the current post rate is 139 posts/day which means we reach the goal on: 1/10/23 7:22 AM

the numbers:

start time: 5/9/03 11:35 PM
current time: 6/3/03 6:11 PM
reply count: 3,448
reply goal: 1,000,000

time delta: 24.78 days
time delta: 594.60 hours
time delta: 35,676 minutes

rate: 0.10 replies/minute
rate: 5.80 replies/hour
rate: 139.17 replies/day

still needed: 996,552 replies

time to goal: 10,311,192 minutes
time to goal: 171,853 hours
time to goal: 7,161 days
time to goal: 19.6 years

achievement date: 1/10/23 7:22 AM

dicksbro 06-03-2003 06:45 PM


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