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jjjjbo 10-07-2002 08:57 AM

(well how bad can it be ....)

What is what some women (me included) would do to get to kiss Glyndwr.


Glyndwr 10-07-2002 08:59 AM

What does Glyndwr get after such compliments?

A stick of celery and the dentist's chair

jjjjbo 10-07-2002 09:02 AM

(lol) What are tools that can be used with laughing gas.

pondscum and purple tip

south 10-07-2002 09:02 AM

What the voo-doo doctor said would cure Richard Simmons's ills.

Nixon, Kennedy and Lodge

Glyndwr 10-07-2002 09:05 AM

What were the 3 stooges middle names?

Apollo, Pluto and Neptune

south 10-07-2002 09:08 AM

What are the names of the latest 3 stage vibrators?

Mules, Donkeys and Jackasses.

Glyndwr 10-07-2002 09:11 AM

What look attractive after drinking a bottle of vodka?

tomatoes & potatoes

south 10-07-2002 09:22 AM

Without these items the nations of Ireland and Italy would cease to exist.

Earth, Wind & Fire

south 10-07-2002 09:25 AM

excuse me a rephrase

Without what items would the nations of Ireland and Italy cease to exist?

Earth, Wind & Fire

dicksbro 10-07-2002 09:41 AM

What are two forces of nature and a planet .. or, a music group.

Fried spam

south 10-07-2002 09:44 AM

What is available at 2 different styles of cafe's? (internet and diners)

Testicular fortitude

Coach Knight 10-07-2002 02:15 PM

What I will need it I ever head to Florida?

Donuts and the desert


south 10-07-2002 04:27 PM

What does a cop’s mirage oasis look like?

deep muffin suff

Lovediva 10-07-2002 05:59 PM

What the girls at Tim Horton's use in the back to practice giving blow jobs?

cable guy, fireman and a fire extinguisher

south 10-07-2002 06:34 PM

What does an agoraphobic nymphomaniac do for "enter-tainment"?

The third degree

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