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one-trick pony 07-02-2004 10:49 PM

I'll share.......as long as I'm the last poster

Pita 07-02-2004 10:56 PM

That is so nice of you.

one-trick pony 07-02-2004 11:01 PM

That's just the kind of guy I am............lol

and also the winner

Pita 07-02-2004 11:11 PM

I do hate to do this to such a nice man but I simply must win.

jay-t 07-03-2004 12:33 AM

so do I TT

TinTennessee 07-03-2004 12:41 AM

Hi :)

Sharni 07-03-2004 12:52 AM


thereIam 07-03-2004 01:08 AM

Greetings and/or salutations.

Sharni 07-03-2004 01:20 AM

Hiya :D

thereIam 07-03-2004 03:12 AM

Howdy do! :p

Sharni 07-03-2004 03:15 AM

How are ya?

thereIam 07-03-2004 03:21 AM

Just peachy! :cool:

You doing alright?

Sharni 07-03-2004 03:31 AM

Excellent here :D

thereIam 07-03-2004 03:40 AM

Gotta love the quiet solitude of being in the lead.

Sharni 07-03-2004 05:36 AM

Yep :D

jseal 07-03-2004 06:01 AM

Salaam Aleikum to Everyone!

Sharni 07-03-2004 06:10 AM


dicksbro 07-03-2004 07:36 AM


Sharni 07-03-2004 07:43 AM

Evening DB

TinTennessee 07-03-2004 08:21 AM

Good morning all

Pita 07-03-2004 08:32 AM

good morning

jseal 07-03-2004 08:37 AM

How are things today?

Steph 07-03-2004 09:32 AM

Good, working some extra hours so I'm a winner that way! :D

TinTennessee 07-03-2004 09:54 AM

Isn't it a wonderful day to be a winner?

one-trick pony 07-03-2004 10:30 AM

Good morning Smut Gamers

jseal 07-03-2004 11:28 AM

Good Morning sir

Pita 07-03-2004 11:39 AM

Good Afternoon. I think I will win now.

one-trick pony 07-03-2004 11:53 AM

Still morning here.....so I win

Pita 07-03-2004 11:56 AM


one-trick pony 07-03-2004 12:03 PM

I am sooooooo winning

Pita 07-03-2004 12:13 PM

Me tooooooooo!

one-trick pony 07-03-2004 12:20 PM

I've got work to do. I hate to win and run, but I must....see you later

Pita 07-03-2004 12:21 PM

I will just hold your spot for you then.

Mercury_Maniac 07-03-2004 12:29 PM

Crown me please, for just a moment anyways :D

Pita 07-03-2004 02:20 PM

I think you have it longer than a moment. Times up!

jseal 07-03-2004 04:11 PM

So is yours.

Sharni 07-03-2004 04:15 PM

My turn

Pita 07-03-2004 04:58 PM

Passing through

Sharni 07-03-2004 05:00 PM


one-trick pony 07-03-2004 05:00 PM

Hi Tess, I missed you...but now I'm back in the winner's circle

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