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dm383 05-24-2003 06:32 PM

I'm gettin' there!! :(

Combover or crew-cut?

dicksbro 05-24-2003 07:22 PM

crew-cut (better them than me :D)

K-Mart or WalMart

dm383 05-24-2003 07:30 PM

WalMart..... only them over here so far!! :)

Steaks..... Well-done, or rare?

dicksbro 05-24-2003 07:57 PM

Medium well, actually.

Salad dressing: Thousand Island or Vinegar and Oil

Sharni 05-24-2003 08:41 PM


Coldslaw or Potato Salad?

dicksbro 05-24-2003 08:59 PM

cold slaw

tylenol or excedrin

Sharni 05-24-2003 09:19 PM


Panel van or Ute

dicksbro 05-24-2003 09:49 PM


Suit Case or Duffel Bag

dm383 05-25-2003 04:37 AM

Duffel bag

Khaki or coloured?

dicksbro 05-25-2003 05:20 AM


Sugar or cream

Sharni 05-25-2003 06:56 AM


Coffee: Powder or Granulated?

dicksbro 05-25-2003 06:58 AM


watch: digital or analog?

Sugarsprinkles 05-25-2003 10:22 PM


cut flowers or potted plants?

dicksbro 05-26-2003 03:25 AM

Potted plants (they last longer)

photo album or scrapbook making?

txgrneyes 05-26-2003 07:51 PM

photo album

but in or but out?

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