36F and mostly cloudy at 3:15am. High today under partly sunny skies is expected to be 39F. :) Next 2 days, however, will be back down into the 20's. :(
40F/4.4C right now, partly cloudy skies. Relative humidity 70%, dew point at 31F/-1C, with a 40% chance of rain today. The high is expected to reach 56F/13.3C.
21F with clear skies with a partly sunny day ahead of us but a high of only 30F.
Only 18F right now (3:50am) and it only feels like 11. Humidity is at 69% and the dewpoint at 7. We'll have sunny skies, but, I've got to wonder how much that'll help. :shrug:
34F/1.1C right now. 10% chance of rain today. Relative humidity 64%. Dew point is 19F/-7.2C. Today's high 41F/5C.
15F right now (10:35pm Thur) which is also tonight's expected low. Tomorrow the high if forecast to be 36F as we hit another warming trend at least through the weekend.
30F/-1.1C right now. Mostly sunny skies, low humidity (42% relative), no chance of precipitation. The dew point is a mere 9F/-12.8C. Today's high, 39F/3.9C.
23F with clear skies at 2:45am Sat. High today expected to reach 46F with sunny skies and ever warmer tomorrow! Good weekend!
warming up again, 44F/6.7C right now; dry again as well, with the relative humidity only 23%, and the dew point at 7F/-13.9C. No rain expected at all. Today's high, 53F/11.7C.
34F with clear skies. 7mph winds make it feel like 28. This is at 11:30pm Saturday. High Sunday expected to be 50F with sunny skies but the next two days predict rain and highs of only 39F each day. :(
49F/9.4C, sunny skies, no chance of rain today. Relative humidity 26%, dew point stands at 16F/-8.9C. The forecast high is 56F/13.3C.
38F and mostly clear skies. Winds are only 1 mph so it feels like it is. Tomorrow now will see rain followed by 2 days of snow if the predictions stand up. Oh well, spring isn't too far away now. We can always hope. :)
36F with cloudy skies at 11:45pm (Mon). Tuesday, the high is predicted to be 41F but with snow beginning around 7am perhaps mixed with some rain becoming all snow by 9am and continuing the rest of the day and into the night. Still snowing around midnight and continuing until around 1am Wednesday becoming light then until noon.
Doesn't sound like much fun. Just hope it's winter's last hurrah. |
45F/7.2C right now. Today's high should reach 53F/11.7C. Relative humidity way up, 88%, with the dew point at 42F/5.6C. Cloud cover is nearly total overcast, and there's a 70-80% chance of rain today.
29F with snow at 2:25am Wednesday with a high today of 30F with cloudy skies expected and a low tonight of 19F.
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