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rockintime 07-09-2004 12:16 AM


I'm in a motel, but by myself. :(

Sharni 07-09-2004 12:19 AM


I could do with some me time

jseal 07-09-2004 05:22 AM


Being a parent is a demanding job.

musicman 07-09-2004 05:50 AM


I need sleep - lots and lots of sleep

jseal 07-09-2004 06:33 AM


Bureaucracy is inconvenient at times.

Sharni 07-09-2004 06:48 AM


Most politicians are liars

osuche 07-09-2004 08:17 AM

False. It doesn't start out that way

Most public servants are undercompensated

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 08:17 AM


*I'm* undercompensated. :D

osuche 07-09-2004 08:19 AM

Very true. But you'd break the bank if they paid you what you're worth

I have to go to the doctor too often

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 08:20 AM

Very, very, very true. If it's not me, it's my children.

I need to find a way east. :)

osuche 07-09-2004 08:20 AM


I need to find a way West...at least as far as IA

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 08:22 AM

Well, true, I guess...since I'm already there. :)

I have curious children.

osuche 07-09-2004 08:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
False. But I am curious about your children. Does that count? :p

I have a kitty who needs some love

Steph 07-09-2004 11:19 AM

False, but yours is a cutie!

I could go for a quickie right now.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 11:27 AM

Very true, but he's an hour away.

Sometimes I just don't understand certain parents.

osuche 07-09-2004 11:31 AM


I understand children even less

Pita 07-09-2004 11:59 AM


I am so happy today is Friday.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 12:13 PM


I'm looking forward to together time with someone this weekend.

osuche 07-09-2004 12:18 PM

False. Dreading it, actually

I am not looking forward to my business trip next week

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 12:44 PM

Well, no, because I don't have one.

I'm waiting to hear from someone.

imaginewithme 07-09-2004 12:53 PM

False....no one to hear from. :(

I bought a new cell phone today.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 01:02 PM


I can't stop yawning.

osuche 07-09-2004 01:13 PM


I can't stop swaeting (just came inside from weeding)

imaginewithme 07-09-2004 02:47 PM

False.....the heat will kill them hopefully.

It's thundering outside

osuche 07-09-2004 03:02 PM


My cat is outside...soaking up the sun

Sharni 07-09-2004 05:23 PM


I'm hungry

osuche 07-09-2004 05:39 PM


I am craving Chinese food

Sharni 07-09-2004 05:48 PM

True now....your fault *LOL*

I need another coffee

Cassiopeia 07-09-2004 10:28 PM

True...actually I always need another coffee ;)

I go to the gym often.

imaginewithme 07-09-2004 11:13 PM

I was going every day...now it's on occassion.

I love sweet stuff.

Pita 07-09-2004 11:32 PM

True, especially chocolate of course.

I love salty foods.

rockintime 07-09-2004 11:35 PM

False, not that I DISlike them...but can take em or leave em.

I'm going to be very busy tomorrow.

Sharni 07-09-2004 11:58 PM


Tomorrow is Sunday

musicman 07-10-2004 06:27 AM


I have to work tomorrow (damn street festival)

imaginewithme 07-10-2004 09:37 AM

False...... thank goodness

I have a birthday party to attend today.

SuzyQ 07-10-2004 09:38 AM

False, we are bottling wine today.

Steph 07-10-2004 11:07 AM

False, I wish! Friends have been talking about brewing some beer, tho'.

I have to work today.

Pita 07-10-2004 11:40 AM


I do have to clean house today.

imaginewithme 07-10-2004 01:06 PM

True...A did a bit.

Someone tricked me good yesterday. :eek:

jseal 07-10-2004 01:59 PM


Did some community service work today.

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