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dicksbro 10-29-2006 09:38 PM

We ushered at church
I watched Indianapolis (Colts) win their football game against Denver (Broncos)
Took a hour's nap this afternoon

Lilith 10-29-2006 10:27 PM

1. I watched my guys gut pumpkins.

2. I cooked a lot.

3. I have a strange chest cold, with no other symptoms at exactly the same time as I got pneumonia the first time last year. Very strange.

Mae 10-29-2006 10:31 PM

Take care of yourself, Lilith.

1 - I am mellower than I used to be.
2 - I'm allergic to my husband's favorite recipe that he cooks.
3 - I really like Godzilla.

Pita 10-31-2006 04:49 PM

1. I got an A+ on my economics test and was told that I have the highest grade in the class. :D

2. I got a very nice spanking when I got home from school

3. I get to have one of my favorite dinners tonight.

Lilith 10-31-2006 07:35 PM

1 lost boy was horsing around and fell off the glider probably breaking his hand.

1 lost boy flushed my keys down the toilet and despite me making him glove up and go after them he could not retrieve them.

1 lost boy required me to wrangle him all the way around the classroom next door in order to use their lock down because their back door was locked. The same boy also once in lock down was discovered to have candy in one pocket and an entire bottle of gatorade in the other. This required me to then wrestle him for 25 minutes to remove said luxuries.

butterflybabybb 10-31-2006 08:40 PM

Missing Stephen.

Made a awesome dinner.

Spent a lot of quality time with the kids :D

Sharni 10-31-2006 09:36 PM

I'm that angry i could cry

My kids are gonna get the belt tonight, i have had enough of their breaking, stealing or ruining my 'treasures'

I will be selling off a lot of their toys as they do NOT deserve them

osuche 11-01-2006 12:29 PM

((((Sharni))))) and (((((Lilith))))) ~~ hope your days are better today!

I miss my husband and I want him back soon. In the interim, I need to get my butt in gear and finish some work!

My body aches and I am constantly hungry...not a good diet combination

I'd like to get off of the treadmill for a few days....maybe spend some time relaxing and thinking.

Aqua 11-01-2006 03:24 PM

I am leaving work early today.

I'm going to meet some friends for the first time.

Then I'm going to get lectured by Stephen King. Yup, that author guy. :thumb:

lizzardbits 11-02-2006 09:49 PM


sodaklostsoul 11-02-2006 09:52 PM


osuche 11-03-2006 02:02 AM

1. I am tired to the bone, and I really, really want to take a weekend off of class

2. The week flew by and I don't know where it went

3. I am not sure that I liked the VCs I met tonight very much

dicksbro 11-03-2006 02:37 AM

1. Happy for Lizz and Mayhem
2. Wish I could have slept a bit longer
3. Just turned off all the lights the boys left on :(

Neige 11-03-2006 08:00 AM

1. I am going boating!

2. It's -1ºC and we are going to freeze!!!!!! :yikes:

3. We are stopping at my old supervisor's house for a beer to warm up :D

WildIrish 11-03-2006 08:48 AM

It's darn chilly today, and my hands are having a hard time typing.

I cleaned my desk...so all set to have sex on. :p

I have a lot of follow-up calls to make...none of them about having sex on my desk. ha ha

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