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Steph 06-13-2004 08:20 PM

False (for a change). A Coke.

Some commercials make me cry.

Eros 06-13-2004 08:22 PM

Nope..I usually think "sombody got a load of money for that"

I have read all the Harry Potter books

Eliza 06-13-2004 08:35 PM

True!!! Gotta Love Um.

I have a good secrete that I'm bursting to tell:D

Sharni 06-13-2004 09:18 PM

False...if i told it wouldnt be a secret

I just got a new microwave

jseal 06-14-2004 05:20 AM


We'll be getting new neighbors soon.

Sharni 06-14-2004 05:49 AM

False...as far as i know

I have about 7 sets of neighbours

Steph 06-14-2004 10:09 AM

The last two above are true - just realized my next-door neighbours moved out and I have five other apartments in this building with seven neighbours.

I love hot weather!

jseal 06-14-2004 10:44 AM


Trying to stay out of harms way can be difficult!

musicman 06-14-2004 04:28 PM


I had too long a day today

imaginewithme 06-14-2004 06:26 PM


I am all alone tonight :(

Sharni 06-14-2004 06:47 PM

True....except its today not tonight :D

I'm relaxing

jseal 06-14-2004 08:16 PM


I'm always planning something!

cbass1976 06-14-2004 08:20 PM

true...always seems like something going on

I have something planned for the next three weekends

musicman 06-14-2004 09:17 PM


I am travelling in 2 weeks

Sharni 06-14-2004 10:33 PM


I never make concrete plans....as something will ALWAYS come up to change it

txgrneyes 06-15-2004 02:17 AM


You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

jseal 06-15-2004 02:33 AM


The price of printers has dropped dramatically since I last purchased one.

Sharni 06-15-2004 04:32 AM


Petrol is damned expensive

thereIam 06-15-2004 04:43 AM

True. It is a damn crime.

I ain't walking anywhere though.

Sharni 06-15-2004 04:53 AM


My bike will be cheaper to run though

thereIam 06-15-2004 04:58 AM

True. But I have to pedal really fast to get the air conditioner to work.

My spoiled habits cost me a lot of money.

jseal 06-15-2004 05:29 AM


It takes time to change societies.

Sharni 06-15-2004 01:35 PM


I need to get into my garden this weekend

musicman 06-15-2004 06:06 PM

false -

I need to mow the lawn this weekend

imaginewithme 06-15-2004 07:26 PM

false.... I might get all hot and sweaty!

I am going to have a party Sunday.

Sharni 06-15-2004 07:44 PM


The sun is shining but fuck its cold

jseal 06-16-2004 05:37 AM


The humidity has become unpleasant.

Steph 06-16-2004 08:47 AM

False. Not today (or not yet).

I'm enjoying single life.

jay-t 06-16-2004 09:52 AM

false is putting off work to be done

Steph 06-16-2004 10:28 AM

True, usually true LOL

I'm procrastinating right now.

musicman 06-16-2004 04:22 PM


I need to go out in 30 minutes and shower b4 that

imaginewithme 06-16-2004 09:02 PM


I am looking forward to midnight to arrive

musicman 06-16-2004 09:53 PM


I'm looking forward to hopefully sleeping through the night

Sharni 06-16-2004 10:01 PM


I'm not looking forward to getting up in the cold morning though

imaginewithme 06-16-2004 10:50 PM

Well, it woudl be nice for a nice chill or breeze here in the morning instead of walking outside and your breath being taken away from humidity

I am hoping to go to Canada soon.

par4golf39 06-17-2004 09:34 AM


I am hoping to go to Vegas again.

LarryL 06-17-2004 09:46 AM


Like the addict who swears he or she will quit after one more, I can't stop myself from posting just one more post.

Steph 06-17-2004 09:59 AM

True! I usually help the one million thread as a last post.

I have a headache.

wyndhy 06-17-2004 08:38 PM


my muscles are sore

imaginewithme 06-17-2004 08:39 PM


I need to go do some things around the house!

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