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dm383 05-07-2003 03:31 AM

LOTS!!! (Is there EVER enough?!?!?!)

outdoor sex....... in the sun or the (warm) rain?

Sharni 05-07-2003 04:05 AM


Sony Vs Xbox

cbass1976 05-07-2003 09:19 AM


dell vs gateway

Steph 05-07-2003 09:20 AM

Neither - I'm a Mac momma!

Mac or Windows?

cbass1976 05-07-2003 09:22 AM


bill payments: mail or online

Steph 05-07-2003 09:50 AM

Online - the only thing I pay by cheque is the rent.

Car or truck?

Sugarsprinkles 05-07-2003 10:20 AM


cameras..........film or digital?

Steph 05-07-2003 11:11 AM

Both but lean towards digital b/c it's so much more convenient

Saturday or Sunday?

Sugarsprinkles 05-07-2003 02:36 PM


Mr. Rogers or Barney?

celticangel 05-07-2003 05:06 PM


white socks or black?

Sugarsprinkles 05-07-2003 05:12 PM

on me, white............on him, black.

Sesame Street or Blues Clues?

dicksbro 05-08-2003 06:39 PM

Seasme Street since I'm not familar with Blues Clues. :)

Tickled by a feather or a sable brush?

Sugarsprinkles 05-08-2003 06:58 PM

Either one works for me........are you volunteering? ;)

Tied with leather or silk?

kleclere 05-08-2003 07:55 PM


hand cuffed or leather straps?

Sugarsprinkles 05-08-2003 11:50 PM

leather straps

Tied or doing the tying?

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