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Sharni 05-05-2003 05:37 AM

Boiled (never had 'em roasted)

Summer or Winter

Sugarsprinkles 05-05-2003 08:46 AM


Beer or Mixed Drinks?

dm383 05-05-2003 10:29 AM

Beer for preference..... otherwise, whatever's going!!! (Except Rum.....can't STAND the stuff!)

Dark or Lite beer?

Sugarsprinkles 05-05-2003 12:10 PM

Neither! Can't stand beer!! (I'll take that rum you don't like...:D)

Movies.........Action or Romance?

dm383 05-05-2003 03:36 PM


Stallone or Willis?

Sugarsprinkles 05-05-2003 05:38 PM

Neither really......but if I HAVE to choose..then Stallone.

Sandra Bullock or Meg Ryan?

dm383 05-05-2003 05:43 PM

Tough choice....... Sandra Bullock ....... no, Meg Ryan..... damn it ~ can't I try both???

Chocolate...... Plain or Milk?

Lilith 05-05-2003 05:44 PM

chocolate plain

lavender or apple?

denny 05-05-2003 05:45 PM

Why ruin it with milk? But c'mon', Sandra is the choice!

Pamela Anderson or Brooke Burke?

Sugarsprinkles 05-05-2003 05:46 PM

Hmmmmm...depends....in the bedroom I love lavender, in the rest of the house apple would be wonderful!

Milk..............white or chocolate?

dm383 05-05-2003 05:48 PM

LMAO@Lil!!! :D:D


Green or Red apple?

denny 05-05-2003 05:48 PM


horny or numb?

dm383 05-05-2003 06:06 PM

Both would be nice!!!

Quick............ or sl-o-o-w ?

denny 05-05-2003 06:08 PM


Pamela Anderson or Brooke Burke?

dicksbro 05-05-2003 06:16 PM

Pamela Anderson

gerbils or mice?

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