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Steph 05-29-2003 11:38 PM


'I'll sleep when I'm dead' is a common saying.

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:08 AM

#3046 - It's morning AGAIN ! dammit why are the days so long and the nights so short ???

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:09 AM

#3047 - I sleep now when brain wake up I be back

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:09 AM

#3048 - oh damn I'm at work I can't sleep...........yet ;)

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:13 AM

#3049 - Ever stopped to think...............

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:14 AM

#3050 - it's amazing what useless crap jumps into my mind sometimes

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:15 AM

#3051 - there was no point to the above statement which I guess proves the fact that crap does indeed jump into my mind and then flow out through my fingertips !

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:16 AM

#3052 - .............and forgotten to finish what you were doing 'til much later?

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:17 AM

#3053 - hehehe come on think about it !

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:18 AM

#3054 - Just don't forget to finish what ever it was you were doing.

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:18 AM

#3055 - btw anyone know what I was doing ?

FussyPucker 05-30-2003 02:19 AM

#3056 - oh yeah I remember!........It's now 8:30am I've officialy started work I can finaly get some sleep !!! hehehe "goodnight" for now ;)

Sharni 05-30-2003 03:23 AM


Sharni 05-30-2003 03:24 AM


Sharni 05-30-2003 03:24 AM


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