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dicksbro 09-27-2003 06:05 PM

False. Had mine already.

Supper should be soon.

musicman 09-27-2003 06:06 PM

true - I'm hungry

hopefully an early night tonight

rockintime 09-27-2003 11:55 PM

false...i hoping that tonight will be a late night for good reason.

I ate steak tonight for dinner.

Sharni 09-28-2003 12:23 AM


I live inland

rockintime 09-28-2003 12:29 AM

False, near the coast.

I like going to the mountains.

Sharni 09-28-2003 12:39 AM

True...just as well seeing i live on top of one *L*

I should be doing something else other than sitting here surfing Pixies :D

osuche 09-28-2003 03:18 PM

True. Like going to TN. AGAIN, I ask????

I need to get an oil change

Steph 09-28-2003 03:24 PM

Probably true. The budget doesn't allow such extravagances right now :)

I like going for groceries.

musicman 09-28-2003 06:06 PM

sometimes - so i guess it's true and false

I"m off to watch L&O Criminal Intent

dicksbro 09-28-2003 06:12 PM


I'm watching an ol' Columbo movie.

musicman 09-28-2003 07:21 PM


I'm watching the Simpsons

Lilith 09-28-2003 08:50 PM


I have a horrible temper.

Sharni 09-28-2003 09:01 PM


I've got a temper only when riled

Lilith 09-28-2003 09:04 PM

true~ but define 'riled' :p

I fight fair.

Sharni 09-28-2003 09:08 PM

False...have been known to fight dirty at times

I prefer to keep the peace

*riled = if ya piss me off be prepared* :D

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