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IowaMan 03-06-2007 06:53 AM

Taco Pizza

lizzardbits 03-06-2007 06:56 AM

Ugli fruit

IowaMan 03-06-2007 07:02 AM

Vegetarian lasagna

jseal 03-07-2007 10:39 AM


IowaMan 04-06-2007 02:08 PM

Xtra crispy chicken from KFC ............ ok, so I took a bit of a liberty there. :p

dicksbro 04-07-2007 03:06 AM


IowaMan 04-08-2007 04:51 AM

Zucchini nut bread

dicksbro 04-08-2007 06:27 AM


IowaMan 04-08-2007 06:32 AM

Blueberry muffins

Pita 04-08-2007 11:35 AM

Chocolate Cake

IowaMan 04-08-2007 09:57 PM

Double Whopper w/cheese

mikaylasmummy 04-09-2007 03:59 AM

Easter Eggs

IowaMan 04-09-2007 05:11 AM


mikaylasmummy 04-09-2007 05:21 AM


IowaMan 04-09-2007 05:28 AM

Oh my god I'm an idiot!!! I skipped over "F" :banghead:

Fish sticks

and now on to the matter at hand. :p

Iceberg lettuce

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