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dicksbro 10-21-2003 08:31 PM

Footnote to my previous post: The pizza party we had for folks suffering from Multiple Sclerosis was fabulous. We donated and cooked all the pizzas and served more than 105! Had a banjo group there that played music and umpteen donated door prizes. Had a ball and only got two minor burns my tour as chef. :D :D

rabbit 10-21-2003 08:38 PM

<---applauds dicksbro for a job well done!

1) Worked 12 hours today, never saw the light of day... :(

2) My two munchkins gave me the biggest hugs when I walked in...reminding me why I do #1 (above)

3) Am looking forward to a college reunion coming up in 3 weeks and getting to have lunch with a special person.

Lilith 10-21-2003 09:16 PM

1) My friends at school liked my hair:p (sounds so middle school as CK would have said)

2) I got a special email today from someone who I seem to be having a positive impact on. I want to be worthy of her admiration.

3) I am in turmoil over some feelings I am having. I am finding biting my tongue and smiling to be the only effective way to get through it.

BIBI 10-22-2003 12:00 AM

I am sitting here just about to call one of my troubled teens into the police for not coming home.(oh if they were only mine for a week lol)

I am pissed off at the paperwork I must do now

I am tired

Steph 10-22-2003 01:28 AM

(Yay, DB! Sounds fun!)

1. Had my last day of work for a while.
2. Have to fill out short-term disability forms.
3. Damn cat found yet another mouse and left it on the bed!

Devillishgirl 10-22-2003 08:02 PM

1. Work was absolutely nightmarish today

2. Went shopping after work, new clothes always erase the shitty days

3. Still haven't decided what I'm going to dress up as for Halloween

IAKaraokeGirl 10-22-2003 08:04 PM

1. Bell choir went well tonight; I'm hoping we somehow make it through Sunday, with me throwing bells every which-way. :)

2. I received several PMs today which reminded me how wonderful a place Pixies is.

3. I am craving the arms of the man I love.

rabbit 10-23-2003 08:32 PM

1) It snowed here today...a most depressing site. :(

2) I flat out blew off a meeting today...damn it felt good! :p

3) Got a haircut today...looks good if I do say so myself! :D

Lilith 10-23-2003 11:23 PM

1) Some one at school surprised me today.

2) I just bought the sexiest new vacuum and dishwasher...I nearly creamed myself in Sears.

3) I have a sick friend who needs some special attention;)

dicksbro 10-24-2003 05:53 AM

1. Working from 7-12 again.
2. It's payday :D
3. Going to keep Lilith's sick friend in my thoughts.

celticangel 10-24-2003 06:44 AM

1~~~~~~~had to visit the bank today~for financial check up!
2~~~~~~~made appointments with dentist for dental check ups!!
3~~~~~~~going to the shops to forget about check ups!!!

WildIrish 10-24-2003 08:15 AM

1 - I'm blowing off the second half of the workday to spend time with my youngest son. He's growing up much to fast and I need to stop weeping when I hear "Cats in the Cradle".

2 - I had a great morning and am in a good mood.

3 - I'm dressed way to dapper for a half day. ha ha

paprclphd 10-24-2003 08:40 AM

1. I am looking forward to this weekend, I am going camping and can't wait.

2. Work is calling and I don't want to answer!

3. I am so hungry and there is no breakfast in sight!

IAKaraokeGirl 10-24-2003 12:38 PM

1. I've had a very productive morning, although I haven't hardly done a lick of work for my job. :D

2. I heard the most lovely voice already today.

2. I'm soooo looking forward to a good weekend.

Steph 10-24-2003 03:49 PM

1. Just escaped from the hospital a few hours ago. Woohoo!
2. Surgery and recovery went really well!
3. I don't know if the painkillers are playing a part, but Wild Irish's av is scary!

paprclphd 10-24-2003 03:54 PM

1. Work is alomst over and I can't wait

2. I am in love and can't wait to see my man!

3. This is post 100 for me - a small milestone compared to others. I have enjoyed my short time a pixies and hope for many many more posts to come!

denny 10-24-2003 04:06 PM

I am not going to work at all this weekend.

I am done with selling cub scout popcorn and brownie nuts at work. I hate squeezing co-workers.

I've got a new boogie board and flippers and I'm going to try them out tomorrow!:D

Steph 10-25-2003 11:42 AM

1. My leg feels pretty good.
2. The pills are upsetting my tummy (or it could be too much coffee).
3. Ice is wonderful, as per CGT's instructions :)

lexi 10-25-2003 01:12 PM

1. It's raining and cold - yuck!

2. There's a Fall Harvest Parade in an hour (I don't wanna go!)

3. Kids will "die" if we don't go - we're goin'.....

*Happy Smiling Mom*

rabbit 10-26-2003 11:41 AM

1) It is raining and cold here, too. Double yuck!!!

2) I have been struggling with my inner demons recently...

3) I received a letter from a long lost friend yesterday...a very pleasant surprise!

Lilith 10-26-2003 03:41 PM

1) I shopped like a mad woman today!

2) It is absolutely pouring here. The sky just opened up.

3) *Knocks on wood* right at this moment my life is soooo good. I am so blessed.

Devillishgirl 10-26-2003 06:29 PM

1. I drank too many hot ciders spiked with buttershots and oatmeal cookie shots last night

2. I have done nothing all day but watch movies and make pizza dough

3. It's only 6:30 and I'm in my pjs drinking hot tea, ready to curl up in bed

Steph 10-26-2003 07:06 PM

(There are many of us who would like a recipe for those drinks, Devillishgirl!)

1. I have many good friends who are calling and boosting my spirits as I'm housebound.
2. My boyfriend has worked like a madman today while I lounged around.
3. I'm drinking prune juice because the pills . . . you know :)

dancingrugger 10-26-2003 08:02 PM

1. Today was my 1st day off (of both work and school) in months.

2. I visited my mother and her hangover was worse than mine today.

3. I peed on a stick today and it told me that i have no bun in my oven (can't tell if i'm relieved or dissapointed about that yet).

BIBI 10-26-2003 11:38 PM

I have a sty in my eye and did not tell a lie
(and that is about as exciting as the day got) :)

Lilith 10-27-2003 07:02 AM

1) I am having a bad hair day for the first time in a really long time:rolleyes:

2) I accidentally turned in an original instead of a corrected lesson plan to a teacher to review, who now thinks I am an idiot due to all the careless errors, " a student at your level should not be thinking of turning in work with these types of errors." :(

3) I smell really great today, lavender cures all ills.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-27-2003 09:26 AM

1. I am very relieved that the headache I suffered through for about 12 hours yesterday is *finally* gone.

2. Played two awesome songs with bell choir yesterday morning, and I was able to throw the bells around appropriately enough to make it *all* sound good. :D

3. Learned something rather important this weekend that makes me more at peace.

paprclphd 10-27-2003 09:30 AM

1. Had the best weekend I have had in a long time

2. Therefore, I am not really looking forward to being at work today.

3. I am happy that it finally turned a little chilly in Texas, makes me super frisky!!

Steph 10-27-2003 10:26 AM

1. I am cheating on Pixies by visiting a board dedicated to ACL injuries :)
2. I am e-mailing two people who had surgery the same day as me! (Isn't the Internet amazing!?!)
3. My boyfriend gets to take it easy today because he's at work. No maid service :)

PantyFanatic 10-27-2003 10:56 AM

1- I had to put a splint on my tongue from an Acetate Crotch Licking injury.:p

2- Surfing panty sites. (Isn't the Internet amazing!?!) :lust:

3- Have pitched dirty laundry into a pile outside and looking for gasoline can. No maid service.:(

huntersgirl 10-27-2003 02:51 PM

1.Time change is making everyone cranky
2.Sick baby so he is extra cranky...yuck.
3.Had a really wonderful orgasm, so I would stop being so cranky.

celticangel 10-27-2003 05:02 PM

1~~~crabbit (narky) at work
2~~~crabbit at the shopping centre
3~~~crabbit at home

pmt sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

rabbit 10-28-2003 08:20 PM

1) I overslept my alarm this morning by 90 minutes. Never got ready for work so fast in my life.

2) Work, work, work.....

3) Ate a great Italian dinner ...YUM!

Steph 10-28-2003 08:26 PM

1. Have resigned myself to having PF haunt my posts with snarky replies.
2. Have resigned myself to watching sports every night I'm home for the rest of my life.
3. Have resigned myself to having pets creating an obstacle course for me and my crutches.

skipthisone 10-29-2003 08:25 AM

1. Have decided to have a wonderful day today, hell with everyone that gets in my way.
2. Got a great good morning kiss, makes me smile for hours
3. I am so enjoying work lately.

Bopper 10-30-2003 01:39 AM

1. I am extremely low on munny...but whats new. :(
2. I have been depressed quite a bit lately, but I have someone that can change that for me in a moments notice, and that feels soo good. :)
3. Going on 3 weeks now with no sex...I figure eventually she'll want it....too bad I really could care less about giving it to her. :(

BlondeCurlGirl 10-30-2003 10:28 PM

1. Was forced to leave 3 hours early from work since our census is critically low and we can't afford all the extra labor! I'll only be working 32 hours this week!

2. Went back to my parents' this evening for my brother's 17th birthday party!

3. Can't wait to take a hot bubble bath right before bed!

Sharni 10-30-2003 10:37 PM

I'm so glad its Friday!!

I had a Hep A&B needle today

Doc says not to work my arm too hard this arvo...i think i can manage that :D

cowgirltease 10-30-2003 10:40 PM

I'm on long break
I'm getting drunk
I'm filing for a divorce:fly:

Steph 10-30-2003 11:06 PM

(Hope everything works out for you, CGT)

1. First day at physio went well.
2. Polysporin had better work on these ugly blisters on my leg from the surgical tape.
3. Got a call for a job interview. I'd forgotten I'd applied for it. Score!

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