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Scarlett 07-18-2003 12:48 PM

1. I got the grass cut this morning before the temp. rose too high.

2. I still have walls that need painting :(

3. I should be cleaning instead of sitting here.

osuche 07-18-2003 01:03 PM

1. I sat in meetings all morning and thought about sex. With everyone around the table

2. I'm making dinner for six people tonight and I have not shopped.

3. I've got a great job offer in a shitty town and I don't know what to do. (bird in the hand/two in the bush...one in MY bush???)


Sugarsprinkles 07-18-2003 04:51 PM

1. I am OVERJOYED that Pixie's is staying!!!!

2. I've lost another 1 1/2# since Monday for a total of 3 1/2# in just over a week on the Atkins diet! YAYYY ME!!!!

3. I went grocery shopping and stocked up on a lot of healthy and equally tasty foods.

BIBI 07-18-2003 07:06 PM

I went off by myself and read a book at the park on the waterfront
I talked to an old flame who I hadn't seen for ages
I am taking my grandson for the weekend and we are going to have some fun

rabbit 07-18-2003 07:27 PM

1) Was delighted to see that Pixies will continue on. I wonder who the new HPIC (Head Pixie In Charge) will be?

2) Had an AWFULLY STRESSFUL day at work today... :(

3) I did some planning work for a trip I am taking in November...just me and some college friends. Woo Hoo!

Scarlett 07-19-2003 10:52 AM

1. I slept late, which is rare.

2. I am going to see Pirates of the Caribbean today.

3. Will go gorcery shopping after the movie so my Sunday will be free.

PantyFanatic 07-19-2003 11:03 AM

1. The gods love me today.:D

2. The gods love me today.:p

3. The gods love me today.:lust:

IAKaraokeGirl 07-19-2003 06:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
1. I woke up waaaaay too early to get ready for a birthday party I was *not* looking forward to, and it was damn hot today.

2. Note to self: Although buying an authentic pinata is nice, next time buy one proportionate to the child attempting to break it. :D

IAKaraokeGirl 07-19-2003 07:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
3. Birthdays are special, but it's all about getting the goods, at least when you're four. :D

Lilith 07-19-2003 09:37 PM

1) I am on a computer that is as old as methuselah!

2) I will be shocked if it lasts long enough for me to hit enter.

3) I will be home tomorrow and look forward to properly catching up with all of you guys!

BlueSwede 07-19-2003 11:45 PM

1. Needed some escape. Started in the wee hours of the morning by taking pix and posting them at Pixies.

1. Still needed some escape, so I saw Bend It Like Beckham for the 2nd time.

2. Continued the escape by also going to see Whale Rider for the 2nd time. And this time I got through it w/o crying. Guess I'm continuing the escape by losing myself in the Land of Pixies-Place at the moment.

Ozling 07-20-2003 12:24 AM

1.worked on getting used to the change in time zones, unsuccessful
2.called my friends at home
3.went to an irish pub

dicksbro 07-20-2003 03:43 AM

This sounds like deja vu ...

1. Woke up ...
2. Logged on ...
3. Checked e-mails ...
4. Came to Pixies.

I am going to install "Family Tree Maker" software today. Got it at yesterday's surprise b-day party. :)

rabbit 07-20-2003 11:05 AM

1) I woke up with the biggest fucking hangover...the result of 8 Bud Lights and getting stoned on an awesome cigar last night.

2) Despite the hangover, I whipped up an awesome breakfast for the family this morning...blueberry pancakes from scratch, maple sausages, orange juice, and a pot of Starbucks coffee. Yes, I can play hurt! :D

3) I have to blow out some financials for a project that I am helping to charter at work. Hoping my hangover will clear so that I can think!!! :p

osuche 07-20-2003 11:26 AM

1. This is my 100th post (on way to not being a nubie)
2. Am sore from 15 mile canoe ride yesterday.
3. Avoiding work at Pixies -- and also need to go to the gym

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