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LixyChick 10-03-2002 04:42 AM


PantyFanatic 10-03-2002 10:26 PM

Now I’m compelled to let everyone know…
…..,I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body!

scotzoidman 10-03-2002 11:16 PM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Now I’m compelled to let everyone know…
…..,I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body!
You too?...and I thought I was the only one...so we're coming out together lol

Sugarsprinkles 10-05-2002 12:15 AM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Now I’m compelled to let everyone know…
…..,I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body!

Originally posted by scotzoidman
You too?...and I thought I was the only one...so we're coming out together lol

And you call that dull, Scotz???????? If that's dull, I'd hate to see
exciting! LOL!!!

BlondeCurlGirl 10-05-2002 12:43 AM

I found out last night that I scarred my guy's member from giving him a Nail Job (me scraping my long fingernails down the shaft...which he absolutely loves!) and he was thrilled that I've now branded him.

I'm sure all you guys are wincing in pain right now...

At first I was taken aback when I saw that, but after he told me he loves it, I couldn't have been more proud.


scotzoidman 10-05-2002 01:18 AM

Originally posted by RandyGal
I'll take dull over things I've experienced any day.


Please tell us more about your life scotzoidman...I'll live vicariously through you. ;)
I've taken my time about responding to this because I wanted to get it right...it is I who has been living vicariously thru all you people here...I've been the kind of guy who never takes a risk, never really been challenged by life until the last decade or so, and most of that has been pretty pedestrian...and I really didn't respond well to the challenges IMO. But within the last year, I've come out of my shell just a little (no small thanks to the great folks here), and begun to remember & persue my dreams again, & I have been sharing some of that with my family here...while I like to think I am very different from anyone you've ever met, the honest answer to RG's repeated requests for me to divulge my deep dark secrets is that there's no there there ;) Compared to the challenges being met by the people who've bared their souls here, I feel like I've experienced nothing...and let me say I have more respect for all of you than ever before...

Ironwood 10-05-2002 01:36 AM

Oh, and I'm having a mad passionate affair with someone here.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-05-2002 08:23 AM

Are you Ironwood?!

I wonder who that could be.

Whoever it is, she's a very lucky girl . . .

chicky 10-05-2002 09:56 AM

hmm kinda feeling like a idiot here, since it has gone off topic this is going to stick out like a sore thumb lol.
ive never told anyone this
when i was young, about 8 or 9 my cousin would interfere with me, and one night i would have lost my cherry(yes at 8) only he heard someone, so luckily......and yep still a virgin and now 19.
when i was about 6 a there was a girl (bit older then me) in this town we used to live at, she used ot play with me(in a sexual way of course) ect you get the picture.

Ironwood 10-05-2002 12:53 PM

Originally posted by A.K.'s Sex-Pot
Are you Ironwood?!

I wonder who that could be.

Whoever it is, she's a very lucky girl . . .

The first part is definitely true, because she is quite mad. ;)

I'm pretty sure about the passionate bit as well.

I thought I was the lucky one, though.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-05-2002 01:32 PM

Mad about you, perhaps. . . ;)

Only 'Pretty sure'? Note to self: 'must try harder!'

I'm not going to make the obvious 'getting lucky joke', though it's tempting!

LixyChick 10-05-2002 02:34 PM

(((((((((((((((scotz)))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

TY baby!

As I said......I could write a book! But I also said.........if I hadn't had the many deep, dark experiences in my life......I wouldn't be who I am today! I'll share more, in open forum, someday.....when I know you are all sitting down!

Maybe someone can take from my life and learn that..........at it's darkest, there is truly a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to chug your way through and never lose sight of the fact that life is a challenge and with each hurdle comes a great reward!

Oh geezzzzzzzzz!......Philosphy has never been my great suit! LOL!

PantyFanatic 10-05-2002 03:02 PM

Don’t let Scotzoid fool you!
Like ALL of us, he carries his load over the mountain too. Lifes’ journey has many trails. It goes over scores of different terrain. Some trails are congested with throngs of good and evil doers. Others lead threw the dark and empty caves. Gravity keeps us ALL on our path, whatever it may be. It is us that makes the excursion to each junction, along the next leg, and we ALL will reach the same destination. The END of the expedition.

(who said that?:rolleyes:)

RandyGal 10-05-2002 04:16 PM

It's so cool you guys shared as much as you did........

and pantyfanatic, that last bit was wonderful!

I've been thru so much I don't even BOTHER talking about it any more. Many would be horrified by some of the things I've experienced and encountered and SOME DAYS it IS hard to take another step forward..........


when I surround myself with kind generous people, it helps me see that there IS good out there and that it IS worth moving forward in life.

Thankyou ALL for being IN that group of people.

LixyChick and all those who've had some hard knocks..know that you aren't alone. Also know that you never earned or DESERVED what life handed you...sometimes shit happens, and it can happen to anyone!

The important thing is never giving up, never let it beat you down!

You guys are awesome. :)

jennaflower 10-05-2002 06:16 PM

I am completely in awe of all of you that posted in this thread. Everyone of you has once again proven that this place is a wonderful place to meet a wide range of diverse people. Everyone of you has touched me more than you know..

Deep secrets... I really really wish I had one... but alas I really don't... not that I wouldn't share with any of you during a converation. I am a pretty open book.. I have "secrets" but only those that I haven't had time to tell... None of them are dark.. and rather boring..

Oh.. here is one...

I am currently smitten with a Married man. Does he know? I would think he might have an indication or two... but alas.. he is married.. and far away... so this will only feed my fantasies.. nothing else.

Pussy Willow 10-15-2002 06:09 PM

Posting my pics here at pixie's is my deep dark secret.
You all know it, and I know it, but we're the only ones......

OMG-- My mom would would have a cow if she knew,
I don't really think hubby would mind, but I enjoy keep Ya'll
my little secret.

Thanks again for all the sexy support, it's been a real boost to my

Sugarsprinkles 10-15-2002 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Ironwood
Oh, and I'm having a mad passionate affair with someone here.

Me too........I'm sure that's no secret here and if it was, it ain't no more. :D:D But NO ONE in my real life knows about it. ;) And never will, if I can help it!

Uncle Silky 10-15-2002 07:37 PM

my piercing mentor blew me for an hour-and-a-half one day after work. that man spit-polished knob like an obsessive-compulsive locksmith. best i've ever had, hands-down.

when i was a kid, i buried a cat up to its neck and plowed over its head with a lawnmower. that liduid 'thud' sticks with me to this day. and that anguished yowling... *headshake*

i pretended to have appendicitis and even went through the surgery just to get a three-day weekend away from school.

one of these is false. can you guess which one?

Lilith 10-15-2002 07:39 PM

The Cat

Aqua 10-15-2002 08:05 PM

Hmmmm, besides the fact that NO ONE I know outside of Pixies knows that I post here... well........

When I was a young teen, I gave a friend a bj while playing in a big cardboard box in front of my Grandma's house. :eek: And no, I didn't complete the job...

Summer 10-15-2002 08:51 PM

I lost my virginity at the ripe old age of 9. Definitely not by choice but did happen.

When I was 12 or 13 a girl friend of mine and I rubbed on each other. We had our clothes on but would rub on each other's pussy to where you got that tingling sensation. :) ;)

I moved out of my parents house at the age of 14 and lived on the streets until I found somewhere to go.

My first boyfriend committed suicide with a hand gun to the head.

And my biggest secret to this day ....
Posting pics on this site and having close relations to a person online.
Shhhhh don't tell. ;)
-Summer :D

jennaflower 10-15-2002 09:21 PM


all of that.. tragic.. interesting... and revealing stuff... is all part of what makes you who you are... and ultimately why you are adored here :)

Like I said earlier in the thread... I am in awe of everyone here.. .:)

Summer 10-15-2002 09:27 PM

Originally posted by jennaflower

all of that.. tragic.. interesting... and revealing stuff... is all part of what makes you who you are... and ultimately why you are adored here :)

Why thank you. ;)
-Summer :D

Coach Knight 10-16-2002 10:02 AM

MMMM, I actually skipped over this thread several times but I just starting reading some of the things shared here.
What's my big secret?

First, contrary to what most of my posts indicate, I am .... and you may not believe it but, I am really a nice guy. Very few people here have actually cut through my sarcastic/cynical/sardonic persona. But they know and, well, now I guess all of you do too.

Second, well, I too have been having "close relations to a person online." It is something that I never thought would happen when I first came here and I am completely surprised that it did. But, I am glad about it.

*deep breaths, deep breaths*

OK, well, now I must go be rude and insensitive for a few minutes to regain my composure.



Irish 10-16-2002 10:03 AM

jjjjbo;Lixy;and I'm SURE others.Don't let the alcoholic parent thing
bother you.As a recovering alcoholic;I can tell you;that there are
alot more alcoholics;then you think!The steriotype;is someone in
in a dirty overcoat;needing a shave,dirty,and his bottle in a paper
-bag.I have been thru MANY detox centers.You see priests,
lawyers,politicians,cops,firemen,postmen,housewife s,etc.Now I
realise that they all affect many people.Yesterday;was 10yrs4mo
for me;but I realise now;that you aren't going to quit until you're
ready inside.You have to WANT TO! Irish
P.S.The road to hell;is paved with good intentions!Pardon my rambling on.It is a very personal thing with me!Thank God that I
had a wife&kids;who loved me enough to stick by me!

jjjjbo 10-20-2002 07:35 AM

Irish thanks for your words .... I long ago came to terms with the alcoholism and along the way have learned some really incredible lessons .... it doesn't make sense, but I'm more innocent, trusting and giving and so many other "good" things in my 40's then I ever could have been in my 20's - that is because I had to come to terms with my personal demons and make a concsious choice of who and how I want to be because of or inspite of my personal life history.

I had a friend once tell me they never could have survived (mentally) with all I had gone through .... that amazed me ... we all go through what we go through .... my life has never seemed all that difficult in the living of it - still doesn't - I know of and have read here of so many more difficult situations, at least in my viewpoint.....but it is an interesting thing that, at least it seems to me, we are given a way to learn what we need to in order to get through our own struggles and much of that comes from the people who touch our lives. Many Pixies people have become that for me. Thanks everyone!!!!

sassylove 12-02-2002 09:39 PM

Pixies is my "deep dark secret." In my "normal" every day life, I am a "good little girl!"

incitatus 12-04-2002 04:38 AM

Well, first...
Yesterday;was 10yrs4mo

Congratulations, Irish!

I wish everyone here as much success in confronting and controlling their "demons".

My secret is none too deep nor dark...

I was married to someone for several years and only a half dozen people knew it. (Although I'm close to my family -parents and siblings- no one ever knew)

Sexual secrets? none that I know of... unless ya'll know something I don't.

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