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-   -   Are there still virgins? (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5978)

smallguy 12-09-2002 05:19 AM

I would say i'm still a virgin. I fooled around a bit with a the daughter of a lady my dad was dating for a few years when I was 10-12 and there was some penetration. But it was like ok what do we do now? It was just alright that's far enough in now pull it out. There was no in and out action. It was mostly just touching. I'm 31 and have made out a few other times in the last 20 years but that's about it. I'm too scared of the whole relationship thing I guess. I was abused as a youngster and I believe emotionally i'm still the age I was when it stopped. The thought of a woman laughing at the little fella is not a pleasant one either. If I ever did have a girlfriend she would have to get her pants tailored around my head because I would be munching box about 23 1/2 hours a day:)

Casperr 12-09-2002 05:54 AM

Hi! Figure I might as well respond to this thread....

Yep, as a few people here know, I'm a virgin. I've only ever really had one girlfriend, and we lasted for six months before I called it off. Neither of us felt we were ready for our first time to have sex (but sex had nothing to do with the breakup). We fooled around a little bit, but not as far as having sex.

And I'm fine with that - that was how we felt at the time and nobody had their needs neglected.

Now, however, at 21 I'm 'ready' and willing to lose my virginity - not because I see it as some great burden, but simply because I am more familiar with my sexuality now and want to explore it.

And I'm sure I will get that chance one day - I just do my own thing and try not to worry about it too much. I think people put too much emphasis on virginity - it's not something to lose or to save. It's just the state of having not had sex. I've never sky-dived but don't get stressed about that.

And I'm certainly not going to jump off every plane just to say I've done it, if you follow the metaphor...

So - bottom line. If you're a virgin, great. If you're not, great. Be comfortable with who you are, not what you have or haven't done - that's pointless!!

Just my few words :)


Sodbuster 12-10-2002 01:49 AM

I'm a 22 year old virgin in that I've never had sexual intercourse. But I have had oral sex performed on me and I have performed it on her.

Sweet Thing 12-10-2002 09:09 AM

My hubby was a virgin when we met. He was 25 at the time. When I met him, I hadn't had sex for almost a year. By the time we had sex, I felt like a virgin again. It was an incredible honor for him to give up his virginity to me.

Irish 12-10-2002 10:39 AM

I agree with GermanSteve.I would hate to get married;and not
know if you're compatible!I also agree with SS;that people will see;the picture of yourself;that you paint!I learned that in racing;
cars&motorcycles.If you plan on getting beat;you probably are.
Why bother risking life&limb?Everyone has their own interpretation;but I believe what Lorelie said:I have known a few
women;that even if they have performed Fellatio(BJ);still consider
themselves a virgin.In my opinion;that is a more intimate act;then
vaginal intercourse.You're also still being penetrated! Irish
P.S.Getting off of my soapbox!Different strokes;for different folks!
P.P.S.By the way;with two daughters in their 30s;I HOPE that I'm
not a virgin!

Young Love 12-10-2002 07:45 PM

I hate the term "virgin". It's totally outdated and hetero-sexist (not that any of YOU are ^-^ ). But no, I have never had "sexual intercourse". I'm waiting for someone who is worth it.

lizH 12-10-2002 08:30 PM

Yes, the general idea of a virgin, or a girl/woman who still has her skin (hymen) is quite sexist and heterosexist. Given the definition of someone who has never had *any* sexual experience being a virgin, I've taken the virginity of several people. After I've taken the virginity of an uncircumcised man, and I always maintain a relationship of whatever sort with themafterward, I "tease" them that they're obviously still a virgin, because they've "still got their skin", and offer to try again to take their virginity. We have a good laugh over this, and often give it as much of a "try" as we can then.

Or, OTOH, when I'm about to take a circumcised man's virginity, and I see he doesn't have his skin, I tease him that he's obviously *not* a virgin, that I don't believe him, because he doesn't have his skin. We get a good laugh out of that one too.

Sugarsprinkles 12-10-2002 10:10 PM

Originally posted by jennaflower

I am NOT considered by many to be one of the "pretty" people.. but I guarantee you that those that love me would say otherwise.

Well, I'm not going to drag out the "you're beautiful on the inside" cliche, even if it is true.

What I would like to add is in my years of experience too many of those that the world perceives as the "Beautiful People" are extremely shallow and self-absorbed, rude and can care for no one and nothing but themselves. Definitely NOT the kind of people I want to be around! I don't really give a rat's behind what anyone looks like!! I care how you treat others, especially those that are different than yourself. I care how you treat children and animals. I care how you treat the poor. And, naturally I care how you treat me. If you are a good PERSON, then you are someone I want to be with...as a friend, a lover or whatever. And anyone who would pass up an opportunity to get to know someone simply because of their looks is probably missing out on good friends and fantastic lovers! What a shame to be that narrow minded!!

Irish 12-10-2002 10:23 PM

I know;absolutely;nothing about airhog;but I really don't think
that he meant anything bad by that statement!I think that the statement was made in jest and I think that everyone should
stop being so judgemental;argumentative and touchy!This is
supposed to be a fun site! Irish
P.S.Just my $.02.

iTriedSoHard 12-13-2002 01:20 PM

I'm still a virgin....well, I'm only 18.

moonbabe 03-09-2003 05:58 AM

i lost mine pretty early but i have friends who still r.

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