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kgb253 12-03-2003 06:08 AM

for LixyChick, here in Australia we a racing driver by the name of Dick Johnson.

But what about initials? My initials are KGB, you should try getting security clearances with those through the 70's and 80's, and thats just Aussie ASIO clearances for the army and to work for the navy after that.
Some of the work needed CIA approval or so I'm told but after the trouble that ASIO had for excessive security clearances using totally bogus excuses they went through in no time at all.

kgb253 12-03-2003 06:14 AM

for LixyChick, here in Australia we a racing driver by the name of Dick Johnson.

But what about initials? My initials are KGB, you should try getting security clearances with those through the 70's and 80's, and thats just Aussie ASIO clearances for the army and to work for the navy after that.
Some of the work needed CIA approval or so I'm told but after the trouble that ASIO had for excessive security clearances using totally bogus excuses they went through in no time at all.

Belial 12-03-2003 08:17 AM

At my high school there was a student named Justin Justin, at one stage, five different Steven Kings, and in my year level, two different Michael Brights.

WildIrish 12-03-2003 08:47 AM

I was talking to someone just yesterday about Bruce Cockburn. Is there really a good first name when your last name is Cockburn?

Steph 12-03-2003 11:26 AM

But his name is pronounce [CO-burn] if that helps!

lakritze 12-03-2003 12:35 PM

I don't know about all of this child naming business,after all Moon Unit and Dwiezel Zappa turned out alright.Did you know that Ben Dover has a sister Eilene? Justin Case almost became my on line moniker.Darth Vador's wife's name is Ella.Seymour Butts of Under The Bleachers fame grew up to be a famous porn director.:moon:

ShadowDancer 12-03-2003 04:28 PM

I went to school with a couple of kids(a brother & sister) named Tim & Alicia Dick...rumor had it their dad's name was Harry.

Also, I do clerical work, and the stores we deal with sometimes like to be comical...one name that shows up QUITE often is: Haywood Jablowme

SuzyQ 12-03-2003 06:08 PM

There is a family named Outhouse near here...

dancingrugger 12-05-2003 05:45 AM

I very much enjoy the name Sharon Bush, I see it as an invitation. Also my college roommate's gyn was named Harry Crotchtangle. On the same lines as Mike Hunt, I've heard Mike Lit, and Michael Taurus

SuccubusKitty 12-05-2003 03:12 PM

There is some poor child walking around my town with the unfortunate first name of Carrion....I am still trying to figure out who would want to name their child after rotting meat...

Also a college friend of mine grew up with a girl whose name was Syphillis....ewww.

SuccubusKitty 12-06-2003 10:59 PM

OMG you have all got to see this flash....hehe the ultimate in bad names....hehe http://www.mondominishows.com/minibytes/index.html

Click on the Shirley Q. Liquor Who's Your Daddy

kleclere 12-09-2003 09:45 PM

Have a car dealer here who's name is Dick Witham. Would you buy your car from Dick Witham ford?

rockintime 12-09-2003 10:11 PM

This is for real, folks. I'm making nothing up...

I know of a guy named Harry Butts.

He and his wife have a lot of children and we used to say they had a lot of little Butts. But the kids have now grown bigger...or as some would say (of course, NEVER ME :D)--->There's a family with a lot of big Butts.

Sugarsprinkles 12-09-2003 10:31 PM

On the local sports-talk radio station back in Detroit, they used to do commercials for a company, the business escapes me right now. But the name of the man they always said to ask for was Harry Glanz. Can you imagine, first of all having that for a name, and then even worse having it blasted all over the airwaves every day???

HarleyRider6769 12-21-2003 09:50 PM

There was a Furniture store near where I grew up , It was owned by I.P. Rainwater . Now there is also a Blue Ball Pa. and there Is a Dr. Payne and a Dr.Curtins here also

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