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seriousfun 03-18-2003 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Steph
I love your advice, seriousfun!

It's soooooooo true! Women lie about their weight but, working in the biz, I have to say men lie about their age an awful lot! And I'm sorry but you're not all eight inches!!! ;)

I've got my girlfriend convinced that all of her rulers are wrong! Using them, I'm 8 feet tall!

Cabrylla 03-18-2003 06:40 PM

LMAO...jenna, get in touch with SS sometime, we can all three get together and the two of us can see what we can find at one of the local waterin holes ;)

hotrod 03-19-2003 12:52 AM

I tried it and had success. I don't get out much to meet people, so I gave it a shot. I figured, what the hell? Starting in December, I started looking at personal ads based on search criteria I had submitted. I did this for about 2 months with no luck. I had contacted a couple women that seemed promising, but nothing ever materialized. I was about to give up, then a new ad popped up that caught my attention. Among other things, she said she was a Mechanical Engineer, like outdoor activities, and liked classic cars, preferably convertibles. So I replied to her ad and told her a little about myself and she wrote back in about a 2-page e-mail telling me about herself. We had a lot in common, from liking the same kind of movies, favorite foods, hobbies, etc. I work at an Engineering firm as a drafter/Mechanical designer, so we have that in common also. We wrote e-mails back and forth a couple times, then talked on the phone, and then finally met for drinks (about a week after my reply to her ad). We've really hit it off and have been out about 4 or 5 times. Now here is the crazy part. Before we had even met in person, I had forwarded her a joke that I also sent to my brother Chris. The next day we were talking on the phone and she asked if Chris was my father. I was like, "No, but his name is Chris too". Then she asked if my mom's name was Rosemary? A little freaked out, I said that it was. She was like, "Well, my parents know your parents!" It turns out that her dad and my dad used to work together and our parents would party together on the weekends! How crazy is that???? What are the odds of that happening??? Small world!! We've been seeing each other for about two months now and it's going great. I'm not one who really believes in fate, but this is a little strange :)

I think my good luck may have been just that.......luck, but who knows. What have you got to lose?

dadaist 03-27-2003 01:48 PM

Well, now I'm curious. Jennaflower, how has this progressed? If you feel like talking about it that is :)

Loulabelle 03-27-2003 05:25 PM

Jenna sweetie -

A few months ago I remember seeing your posts around and about the place and I swear they were pretty much interchangeable with my own! We both had the same problem: we are intelligent, attractive (yeah I've seen your face pic, so I know what I'm talking about!) thoughtful, discerning women. The things is there are lots of single guys out there but not many of them are good enough for a woman like you and you know that - that's why you're single.

The reason I draw your attention to our similiarities as people. is that I have a suspicion that you will find a partner the same way I did: when you least expect it and from the most unlikely source.

Believe it or not, it was I who first PMed Fussy - not because I was in lust with his pictures or I'd been particularly moved by some response he'd had to mine, but because at that precise moment, when I saw him surfing Pixies I felt lonely and wanted to reach out to someone. We became good friends - best friends in a way that probably none of the other people at Pixies were aware for the first few months and eventually it grew into something more - in fact it still is growing.

And that really is the way it happens....because when you are talking to someone because you enjoy their company and have fun with them you are not worrying about how you appear to them all the time.....you are more yourself and when you are yourself, that's when a person is going to fall for you.

Don't think too much about the future. Don't worry that the guy isn't 'Mr Right' as sometimes Mr Right can be different from what you thought you wanted.

And on a lighter note - in the profile - if I were you I'd flirt a little more! I know you're intelligent and want someone to be serious, but you have to make sure people know you're sexy and fun too.

seriousfun 03-30-2003 03:43 PM


My girlfriend made me famous!


It can work!

jennaflower 03-30-2003 05:40 PM

dadaist, unfortunately my online search was not successful.. no responses actually... *sigh*

Loulabelle... I do hope that you are correct... that it will happen.. and when I least expect it... :)

seriousfun... nice little right up about you :) I think she has done well for herself.

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