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Left calf.. a flame.
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kanji on my left ankle (and feet..)
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Work in progress..
You need to invest in some good lotion, man.
Devillish, that fairy is beggin for some background. As a stand-alone, it's solid, but some background would do wonders for it.
I guess I'm boring, I don't have a tat. I've always said if I had to go to prison for any reason I'd get one. Bold letters on my ass... EXIT ONLY!
Silky, my artist has got the background drawn out....it feels naked at the moment. It'll be a full back piece, sticking with the fantasy theme. |
'Fantasy' is pretty broad. Any chance of elaboration there, sister?
How about the entire work you show in your avatar , devillishgirl It'd be a great tatt. |
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Here is mine. Needed some good luck and also cause I am Irish....
txgrneyes---I hope that you know,that is a 4-leaf clover!
A Shamrock(Irish)has 3 leaves.My wife came home with a tattoo,to suprise me.She got it on her foot.I told her,that it was a clover,she was mad at the Tattoo Artist.I told her,he just did what you picked out,it's not his fault.I got a shamrock,years ago, that says IRISH(my nickname)under it.My youngest daughter got a "Celtic"shamrock,on her ankle.I never heard of them.It is nice. She just got a new one on her lower back.It is a nice design with both of her sons names at both ends! Irish P.S.That tattoo is nice.I have never seen that combo before! P.P.S.Her sons names are Liam(autistic)&Killian. |
yes Irish I do know the difference....but I needed good luck so I went with this...it was an experience.
It means whatever you want it to, txgrneyes. Don't let people rope you into thinkin a tattoo has to be textbook or have 'special meaning'. It's decoration, no different than a watch or makeup. Alotta folks seem to forget that little fact.
BUMP!!Mike Tyson is Jimmy Kimmels co-host this week!Has anyone seen his,fairly,new facial tattoo?If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
I'd like to know what he be-holden.By the way,he may be a Bad- ass,but he's,definitly,NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer! Irish P.S.My opinion! |
*shrug* I've seen worse. It's a big step to cross the facial threshold with tattooing. I respect him for that much, even if the work itself is unimaginative and poorly done. That, and all the people he gave premature Parkinson's to with a few well-placed lunging uppercuts.
The current drawing has the faerie sitting on a hill with a dragon peeking around the hill...several other fairies, some trolls, elves, etc. The dragon will take up the majority of my back |
One of my own,,,
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Here is one of mine,,,
Lilith,my tip for you would be NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!. I have seen your pictures posted here.A tatoo would do nothing to enhance your classic looks or your sexuality. I have often wondered,why a temporary print that can be easily removed after a while wouldn't be better.It is not about the pain of the needle,but the permenance of the tat. I have known my share of people who regret getting their tatoo.I don't have a moral reason for not getting one,just an aethetics reason.In my opinion,they are too distracting.I once knew a very beautiful lady who had the looks of a model.She often wore long lace dresses in green or black that OH MY GOD!!! got my juices churning big time. She decided to get a tatoo of a rose on the inner calf of her right leg. I am sorry to say it didn't do anythig to improve her looks and it was just too distracting to me. My eyes were always drawn to her rose. Some tats look great and I have complemented the way they look.But in general,I would prefer unadorned flesh.
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Another tat,,,this one is a work in progress,,, :rolleyes:
beautiful Lisa!
lakritze---I have 3,& I don't regret any of them.I wasn't drunk when I got them,& the last one,I got because,my wife asked me to.She also paid for it.
She got one on her foot,2yrs ago & my daughters each have 2.They have each been models,by the way,so they didn't get TRASHY ones.I am also NOT saying that they are good looking,because I am their father! Irish :rolleyes: |
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Please ignore the undies.....they always appear when I have on low cut jeans!
This is a celtic love knot. I got it right after I went to Ireland. |
Very nice Mackenzie :)
Thank you Lilth,,,,I love my tattoos and have many more in mind,,just need time and $$$ :rolleyes:
Thank you! It's my little secret! No one knows it's there unless I show them! (or I bend over too far LOL) I love it!! |
Mmm I have one of those too,,,cept it goes down ALOT farther LOL,,,but I tried to keep it from someone and forgot and bent down to pick somethin up and they went waht the hell is that,,,ohhh well LOL,,,it was well worth it,,I love them,,,any thoughts of getting more???
Undies? <drool> What undies? <more drool> Damn I love low rise jeans! There's not many things I find sexier than low rise jeans on a woman and a tribal or celtic tatt in that exact spot! |
YEAH...that's how my mom saw mine!!! LOL!!! After I got mine...I was so ready to get another...but now I'm not sure. I can't think of another place to put one...I might add on to this one in the future! |
PURRRR! I wish they were atleast sexy undies!!! Instead they are the boy briefs! I'll try to get a better one next time! |
The boy briefs are sexy on a woman!! Although low rise jeans were meant for g-strings or bikinis. As far as next time, if ya need any help..hell, I'll hold the camera! |
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heres mine its on my upper back starting at the nape of my neck,its about 7-8 inches from the top to the bottom of the design, the top chinese symbol is of the zodiac symbol for the dragon and the bottome one is the symbol for the snake which represent my daughter(dragon) and myself the snake, the middle symbol was one the tattoo guy and I created together based on a drawing I had.
Ok...I've posted mine before, but not in a long time. Here's some newer pics of them.
Eros..you're just so sexy!
No tats on me.....don't know of anything I like enough to put on me. Maybe I could put "Pixies Place" on me.... nah... |
nice to see everyones tats.... I can't wait to get another one but I have sooo many that i want its hard to choose. :jester:
I dont like body tattoos, not my cup of tea but when it comes to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, well I can watch a lot of that :)
Eros-Love the tat on your leg,,,what is it??? Very nice design though :)
Lisa ~ I went to the tattoo parlor and told the artist I wanted a tribal design on my leg. He just pulled out his personal sketch books and said "I drew this one to put on somone's leg" so he put it on mine...lol. No meaning behind it, it was just a spur-of-the moment thing and I love it.
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Here's my one and only... so far. ;) I got it about 6 months ago, and I was looking at designs for another one before I was out of the shop. I see now how people say they are addicting.
Eros---Many people that run Tattoo Parlors,are also (commercial)artists.I know that the one,that I go to,he is an artist & also his wife.I know that, when I wanted,one around my upper arm,they had none in the books,that I
liked.I described,what I wanted.He & his wife,drew it & I OKed it.They put it on a "transfer" paper.He transferred the outline,to my arm & this gave him the outline.When he was done,with the outline,he then filled in the outline,with the color of my choice.Naturally,once you OK,the design,you make an appt., for the actual work.(Tattoo) Irish P.S.In my area,you have to make an appt,because his work,is very good & he is very busy! |
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