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RandyGal 09-26-2002 12:54 AM

I HOPED this thread would be spicier! LOL

Oh well....I can add some spice. Hmmmmmm thinking, thinking....

I have it.

I am....

married to Lilith! :p :D :cool: :eek: :p

I suppose I really should add one of these too, huh? ;)

Sugarsprinkles 09-26-2002 06:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, this isn't particularly spicy....in fact it's not spicy at all...but I guess one of my secrets that I'm not especially proud of is that I was a high school dropout!! Yeah...I sure was...Bet you never thought I could have done something THAT stupid, huh?
Well, I did. It was March of my Junior year.(11thr grade) and I was about to fail the grade because I had missed so much school that year. So, in my immature wisdom, I concluded it would look better on my records if I dropped out rather than flunked out. So I quit. And got a job!! WOW!! How cool was that??? I was making my own money..buying my own clothes..all at a whopping $1.03 per hr!! Which gave me a take-home pay of about $35.00 per week.
By the time summer came and I saw all my friends graduating and enjoying all the "fringe benefits" like class pictures, class ring, and other stuff like that, I decided I wanted to go back.
I had to kiss a few butts to get back in, but I did it. I had to take the grade over and graduate a year late, but I didn't really mind that much. In the long run it was worth it....I even got the "fringe benefits". LOL Here's my graduation pic just to show ya' I really did graduate...

BlondeCurlGirl 09-26-2002 02:02 PM

This isn't really "spicy" either, but, I still haven't told anybody I'm close to about this...my first true love left me for a GUY...I caught them making out in his dorm room one night. After we broke up, I found out he totally changed his personality...went to the extreme of enjoying fishnets/vinyl, nipple piercings, the works...and started pursuing his best friend from high school. I am totally cool with bisexuality and everything, but I would have at least appreciated him telling me what was on his mind instead of a total about-face with his sexuality.

That sure doesn't help a girl's self-esteem...

BamaKyttn 09-27-2002 02:02 AM

lessee. spicy? spicy.....? I have a penis.... it's pink and wobbly it's so cool!

I had sex with three... or was it four men in the same afternoon, in three different towns all atleast 30 mins away from one another

got my first kiss from a woman, 4 years and 5 men before she became my girlfriend.

in one evening, my g/f an I had sex on my bed, my parents bed, our bed, and her ex b/fs bed

my mom was a virgin when my parents got married, my dad married her just to get in her pants, 29 years later they are still together because she is so naive he can't bear to put her out.

ok deep dark, probably going to be censored secret....

When I was young, 9-10 I used to hope my dad or some male figure in my life would rape me so I would never have to have sex.
I got raped when I was 12 or 13 by some black man I didn't know and he is still driving the same car even now.

ta-da! oh and Lil if you guys decide to pull this, I don't blame ya, it's sick and twisted.


RandyGal 09-27-2002 02:20 AM

You wild woman YOU!

Them's some spicy secrets girlfriend......er.....pink and wobbly PENIS????


Radies 09-27-2002 02:45 AM

At the age of fifteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

Damn that wasn't me....it was Dr. Evil....hmmm

Damn, I hate being so clean....I guess I have to say the biggest darkest secret I have is that I've slept with a 41 year old married woman........

here's the kicker.....it was just a few days past my 19th birthday when i did it....am i bad?

legend 09-28-2002 08:12 AM

I fucked Nikki three ways from Sunday ;) :D

legend 09-28-2002 08:13 AM

and she's a screamer too! :eek:

RandyGal 09-28-2002 08:16 AM


That IS some deep dark secret....but not any more!

Sheesh...is everyone getting some but ME?????


Sounds like you two are having fun though. Congrats.

And Radies? You little devil you! ;)

IndulgenceX2 09-28-2002 09:52 AM

Randy Gal, I have MS too.
If I'm logged in but not posting it's because the internal connections aren't connecting well enough.
One unexpected great side effect: looking at Aqua's pictures with double vision! Double the pleasure, double the fun!

Neige 09-28-2002 06:33 PM

Well.... this isn't very dramatic or spicy... but it's true and I don't think I ever told anyone online....

I used to be tongue-tied. (Literally!) For years I couldn't even lick an ice cream cone! About 5 or 6 years ago though, a bit of day surgery fixed that up... The doctor just snipped the extra skin under my tongue and voilą! Now I can do this ~~~~> :p


Sugarsprinkles 09-28-2002 06:44 PM

Originally posted by RandyGal
Sheesh...is everyone getting some but ME?????


No, RG, not everyone.................I know I'm certainly not.

But that's scheduled to change.........SOON!!!;) :D

HOT DAMN!!!!!!!!!;) :D ;) :D

Kendall 09-29-2002 12:14 AM

an affair with the mayor of a nearby city...

[glad it is long past]

LixyChick 09-29-2002 10:31 AM

Deep and Dark huh?

OMG.....I could write a book.....just how much space am I allowed here anyway?

OK......Here goes!

My father was an alcoholic. My mother was a diagnosed "Paranoid Schizophrenic". I have 3 sisters and 1 brother and all the while we were growing up we were afraid we may aquire one or both of these diseases. As I got older I investigated the possibilities of developing schizophrenia and found that it is not necessarily inherited....but can be....and/or a few other residual medical problems can be passed to me and my siblings. I do have a mild form of an OCD (Obscessive/Compulsive Disorder) in that I am a clean FREAK! I have a mild case of paranoia as well. All of you who know (somewhat) me will attest to this. And I do say "mild" because I know many people that think that the guys in the football huddle are talking about them...I have given up on that theory. I know they don't discuss me anymore! LOL! I have purposely/conscientiously kept my alcohol consumption in check. My siblings all exhibit some form of what my parents passed down. My brother (the oldest) was/is (I say was/is because he is missing and we haven't seen him in almost 13 years) a heroin drug addict. He stole from my mother to aid his addiction and had been in prison many times. I don't know at this writing if he is dead or alive. We've searched the country with the aid of my bro-in-law, a State Cop, to no avail. My older sister (2 years older than me) is nuts! What I mean to say is she and I have never really gotten along. She "shunned" the family (in shame I am assuming) while my parents were alive and now that they are gone, acts as if "family" is the nearest and dearest thing on this planet. She has had a "nervous breakdown" and has been in a mental hospital at one time for "her nerves". Yep, she's nuts! I am the middle child. My sister below me has followed in my mother's footsteps and denies any association of the correlation between her and Mom. Yet she has 5 children (4 girls and a boy) and she has a definate "split personality" at times. One moment she is talking very nice to me and the next she is screaming at me and hanging up the phone. Only to call back and appologize and turn around and do it again! My baby sister and I assume we are the only "normal" kids in the family although she has had her moments as well. In her younger days she was very permiscuous (a residual effect, I found in studying schizophrenia in heridity). But in all actuality I have found that ours is not the only disfunctional family on the planet. So no judgements here, please!

Oh....and also.........I am just so brutally honest to a fault at times and I never know when to shut up! I DO NOT have that "stop" thingy in my brain that most everyone else has. I say things and blurt things out and think about them later....my hind sight is 100% though.....something I am very proud of........NOT! LOL! I have many more deep dark secrets.....but I will let someone else have a crack at this before I use up all the space at Pixies.

dm383 09-29-2002 11:13 AM

Dunno if this counts as deep OR dark ~ a few years ago my then wife and I were visiting with friends. Somehow I wound up sitting between both girls, with HER husband out to the off-licence (liquor store, for my transatlantic frineds!) watching a video and chatting. (BTW, this girl and I had enjoyed a very flirty relationship for years)
Anyway, after a while I had one hand fondling my wifes right breast, the other fondling my friends left breast ~ and neither of them ever knew!! A fun time for all, cos they both thought I was only doing it with them, and they BOTH got really horny!

Bit boring, on reflection (sorry ~ had to be there I guess), but still - it's a SECRET!

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