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Grumble 07-24-2002 12:25 AM

Hey Clint
Seems you should move on mate, friends do not do that to you.
Its very immature behaviour at best.
good luck buddy

Clint 07-24-2002 11:16 AM

Standing Up For Myself
Okay, I went to my friends and told them that I am not the pushover that they think I am. I told them that things were going to change or the friendships would end. It is amazing how when you voice what is on your mind, people respect you a hell of a lot more. We've been hanging out a lot the past few days and I am pleased to announce that things have taken a definate turn for the better. We are being more open and honest in the friendship and we respect one another so much more. Thanks again you guys for all of the advice. :D :) :D


Clint 07-25-2002 09:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, this is a picture of a true friend. He's always here for me when I need him, unlike that asshole Steve. :D The guy in the black shirt is Chris and the other guy is me....about 35 lbs. ago...I've lost lots of weight since that picture :D :D :D

sassy 13 07-27-2002 12:37 AM

I think you need to look for a new best friend.I've always felt like your closest friend is like a family member and should be honest and trust worthy.Sounds like Steve wants you to be around only at his convenince.Kick his ass to the curb and find someone that will treat you with respect.

Clint 07-27-2002 08:12 AM

Thank you so much sassy13. That's exactly what I intend to do. He's a loser. He has absolutely no direction whatsoever in his life, and I think that he wants to bring others down to his level. You guys are the best and I couldn't have gotten through this without ya'll.


Oldfart 08-01-2002 06:06 AM


Sorry I missed the thread.

A friend is someone who's there for you, not the other

way around.


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