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RandyGal 04-16-2002 06:10 PM

I enjoy a persons mind first and foremost.

Let me ask you something....you say you see all the other guys getting the girls.

Are you talking about the hot girls?

Have YOU noticed the large girls? The ones who might be being overlooked by the hot guys?

I agree, your dream woman might just be right in front of your face....

keep looking and be patient. :)

axe31 04-17-2002 04:11 AM

big musle men tend to be ego maniacs
so dont date them

Oldfart 04-17-2002 05:13 AM


No, dammit!

Remember, beauty is merely skin.

foosballfan 04-22-2002 10:14 AM

I think the majority view among girls and guys nowadays is that they would rather be slimmer and fitter instead of hugely muscular or badly overweight(of course). I know from my own experience that i felt a lot more comfortable in my skin when I was slim and trim, and getting too muscular makes you less flexible.

Another thought: looks may only be skin deep , but an unhealthy outside reflects an unhealthy inside. Obesity kills, and it's getting worse. If you wanna live longer, live healthier.

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