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Oldfart 08-26-2007 07:56 PM

Who needs to perv outside when we have Pixies?

Salacious 08-26-2007 08:51 PM

Different windows and no binoculars required

IowaMan 08-26-2007 08:59 PM

Truth be told, when I do use my binoculars at a college football game, it usually isn't to look at action on the field. ;)

scotzoidman 08-27-2007 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by Salacious
Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed we don't have more pervish pixies ;)

Usually, binocs are used at our house for the usual pedestrian purposes, but there was this one time some years back...I worked nights, up during the day, & the teen neighbor & her friend were out sunbathing...but the only thing handy was the wife's Pentax with the long lens...

WildIrish 08-27-2007 12:03 PM

I live in the woods, and I can't see any neighbors.

So I use my binoculars to watch Mrs. WI in the back yard. :D

jay-t 08-27-2007 07:20 PM

We have 3 pair of binoculars 1 with a video cam built in,they are used when we go hiking in the woods ,bird watching, used to count migitory waterfowl for the wildlife dept.and yes I have stumbled on to the amourous couple out in the woods. And i don't care how lite they are its hard to hold them steady with one hand :hot:

Salacious 08-27-2007 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by jay-t
We have 3 pair of binoculars 1 with a video cam built in,they are used when we go hiking in the woods ,bird watching, used to count migitory waterfowl for the wildlife dept.and yes I have stumbled on to the amourous couple out in the woods. And i don't care how lite they are its hard to hold them steady with one hand :hot:

Yay! My hero! :loveshowe

scotzoidman 08-28-2007 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by jay-t
We have 3 pair of binoculars 1 with a video cam built in,they are used when we go hiking in the woods ,bird watching, used to count migitory waterfowl for the wildlife dept.and yes I have stumbled on to the amourous couple out in the woods. And i don't care how lite they are its hard to hold them steady with one hand :hot:

A tree branch at eye level would fix the problem ;)

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