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gekkogecko 07-21-2007 09:25 AM

Watching the thing on the B & W TV. And comparing it to some of the stuff from some kids' books about how people would someday go to the moon.

Lilith 07-21-2007 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
I was in school, second last year of High School, sat in a hall with a zillion other kids watching one black and white TV.


That was me when the Challenger exploded. We could not get reception and my bio teacher kept getting kids to stand and be the antennae. All of us were in shock.

LixyChick 07-21-2007 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
That was me when the Challenger exploded. We could not get reception and my bio teacher kept getting kids to stand and be the antennae. All of us were in shock.

Now I DO know where I was when that happened. I was at work in an optical frame warehouse and we had a little 13" TV on to watch the excitement. Man was I depressed and shocked!

PantyFanatic 07-21-2007 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by LixyChick
I thought I remembered seeing this in school (they wheeled the TV into the classroom) ..... I think I'm mistaken.
...... I gotta figure out where I was! ....This throws a wrench into the mix for me!

I don't think you were at school in July or on a Sunday, Lixy. :shrug:

I remember it was about 22:00 (EDT) on a weekend evening and we had been glued to the tube for hours, but I did have to look up if it was a Saturday or a Sunday.

"...At 2:56 UTC on July 21, Armstrong made his descent to the Moon's surface and spoke his famous line "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind" exactly six and a half hours after landing..."


Oldfart 07-21-2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
That was me when the Challenger exploded. We could not get reception and my bio teacher kept getting kids to stand and be the antennae. All of us were in shock.

Especially the one who grabbed the wrong wire?

IowaMan 07-21-2007 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
That was me when the Challenger exploded. We could not get reception and my bio teacher kept getting kids to stand and be the antennae. All of us were in shock.

Yep, same for me except it was physics class.

Booger 07-21-2007 09:56 PM

Sitting in my great grandparents (mother's father's parents) house waatched it on a black and white TV.

Ok I was only a month old (to the day) then so I don't really remember it at all but I've been told the story and remember my great grandparents house and their TV and have watched it.

sodaklostsoul 07-21-2007 10:38 PM

I was 3 so prolly doing what a 3 year old does.

LixyChick 07-22-2007 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
I don't think you were at school in July or on a Sunday, Lixy. :shrug:

I remember it was about 22:00 (EDT) on a weekend evening and we had been glued to the tube for hours, but I did have to look up if it was a Saturday or a Sunday.

"...At 2:56 UTC on July 21, Armstrong made his descent to the Moon's surface and spoke his famous line "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind" exactly six and a half hours after landing..."


OK...so I was 11 y/o when Apollo 11 landed. You'd think that if I could remember something from when I was 1 y/o that I would remember wtf I was doing when I was 11 and everyone else on the planet was watching TV!!! Maybe I was out looting or something...lmfao! Oh shoot...another missed opportunity!

Anyway...your PM cleared up what it was we watched in school. You are right in that it was the assassination of JFK. TY for your help hun!

Scarecrow 07-22-2007 09:32 AM

Lixy I remember being in school that unforgetable November day

PantyFanatic 07-22-2007 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
.... We could not get reception and my bio teacher kept getting kids to stand and be the antennae. All of us were in shock.

Was that where you got your first aluminum helmet? :confused:

Lilith 07-22-2007 12:08 PM

LOL no much we did use tin foil to make antennae to hold towards the window that faced a bigger town.

Teddy Bear 07-22-2007 05:05 PM

38 years ago... how i'd love to say i was a year old or so. But lets see, i guess i was 13 years old. We used to spend most weekends at Dad's and we watched it there. I remember Dad was glued to the set. And we left to go back to Mom's shortly after it was over and missed all the commentary and stuff. It was pretty cool!! When I got out of the car at home I looked up at the moon and thought 'gee there's men up there'. I shot a prayer to God for thier safety and remember feeling very small.

WildIrish 07-23-2007 11:39 AM

My parents were gathered around the neighbor's tv set while I made a boom in my pants.

No...that was not when I learned of the Challenger! :p

For that, I was in the high school library desperately trying to finish my trig homework before seventh period.

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