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Loulabelle 06-27-2006 01:54 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
I think it's the whole idea of being defenseless. I'm vulnerable, exposed. And it can be uncomfortable.

Mind you, I've been married 16 years and never had Mrs. WI say one thing less than flattering about me physically, but still...it's there. Funny how we're wired, isn't it?

Have you ever considered that feeling kind of vulnerable when naked and not sexual excited may at least in part count for the healthiness of you and Mrs WI's sex life?

Feeling a little nervous around a lover when things get intimate is all part of the thrill of sex, is it not?

WildIrish 06-27-2006 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Have you ever considered that feeling kind of vulnerable when naked and not sexual excited may at least in part count for the healthiness of you and Mrs WI's sex life?

Feeling a little nervous around a lover when things get intimate is all part of the thrill of sex, is it not?

Very good point. Nervousness is a subliminal response to fear having something unpleasant and unwanted happening, like getting rejected. And if I didn't care about what she thought of me...well, I wouldn't be apprehensive. I want to look good for someone I love.

Things were so much simpler when we used to club you over the head and drag you into caves! lmao

Matticus 06-28-2006 09:46 AM

Great topic :D

I happen to love having a limp penis when my wife goes down. She is able to suck it in a way that is not possible when it is hard. And feeling it grow in her mouth makes her really hot.

We also spend most of our time (when the kids are not around) naked, watching tv, playing a video game or two. She probably sees me limp much more often than she sees me hard.

Lilith 06-28-2006 09:53 AM

Great point. I can often fit more of it into my mouth limp than I can hard ;)

Matticus 06-28-2006 01:18 PM

Exactly and there is something about my limp cock rolling around in her mouth like a tootsie pop that drives me crazy. :lol:

It sure does not last long.

AZRedHot 07-04-2006 01:25 PM

I'm with Lilith. I love a soft cock because it's the only time I can get all of it in my mouth, and play with it with my tongue. As Lou said, it is velvety. There is so much fun to be head...oops :) had in all stages of the game.

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