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cowgirltease 07-27-2004 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
So my question is this:

Does your brain need to be aroused in order for you to be turned on and to have an orgasm, or is it enough for just your genitals to be stimulated?

For me, if my head's not into it, you could stroke and play with my pussy all night and I wouldn't cum, or even really feel turned on, but if you whisper the right words in my ear, I could cum in a matter of seconds.

Is it the same for other people, or do you reach a point where all that stroking's going to have an effect, no matter what you're thinking about?
I wonder, do men and women differ in this respect?

Enquiring minds want to know.....

It's exactly the same for me. ;)

Loulabelle 07-27-2004 02:05 AM

Wow, I'm surprised to see such a variety of answers here.......as gingerV said I find stimulation of certain parts of me at best ticklish and at worst painful if I'm not mentally aroused.

Thankfully of late I've been mentally aroused pretty much all of the time! :D

dicksbro 07-27-2004 03:22 AM

I'm not sure if it would happen without any mental stimulation ... don't think it ever has. (But, then, I get involved easily. :D)

LixyChick 07-27-2004 04:53 AM

I'm trying to seperate the two and I can't. If someone is touching (stimulating) my pussy...believe me, I'm thinking about it...no matter what I was thinking just before.

Call me narrow minded (for lack of a better analogy), but if he's touching me I wouldn't be able to think of much else!

imaginewithme 07-27-2004 07:52 AM

To really completely give into it, get into my mind, make me feel good, tell me how bad you want me...and then it's a good time for sure!!!!

Steph 07-27-2004 09:07 AM

If I'm alone, I can be watching the news & not really paying attention to anything & get off. If I haven't had it in a while, I don't need the mental stimulation. I'll make my brain want it! :D

Lilith 07-27-2004 09:19 AM

Yeah Dan Rather gets me hot too :D:D:p

huntersgirl 07-27-2004 09:45 AM

My mind has to be there. But if you start to stroke, I can usaully get my mind there too.;)

wrestlemark 07-27-2004 11:27 AM

mind over matter
the mind is the biggest sex organ there is thats why i like cyber it gets me horny but its not cheatin on my wife getting worked up about what turns someone else on is such a turn on ....thats why erotic stories are so great gets your mind going then the hand takes you over the edge :grope: :bj: :slurp: :hot: :sperm: :sperm: :lust: :dizzy: :cheers:

hot_shot_uk69 07-27-2004 12:13 PM

if im not turne don mentally it wil take ALOT longer and wont be as hard..

but when im horny which i am 99% of the time.. im rock hard for hours and cum like mad!

denny 07-27-2004 03:03 PM

My head has to be part of the process! My brain, that is!

BlueSwede 08-01-2004 12:12 AM

I really can't say when it comes to sex with a partner since I so rarely have that opportunity. As far as masturbation goes, however, not only does my mind have to be there, but I have to be fantasizing.

Glyndwr 08-01-2004 02:50 AM

Hi Lou

I'm with Lixy Chick and Hunter's Girl on this one. (<< in my dreams :rolleyes: )
What I mean is that my mind doesn't have to be in gear initially but any stimulation and everything else I may be thinking about gets pushed out the way.

lakritze 08-01-2004 10:13 AM

If the brain is the larest sex organ,shouldn't you be putting the vibrator in your ear?

Irish 08-01-2004 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by lakritze
If the brain is the larest sex organ,shouldn't you be putting the vibrator in your ear?

lakritze---I just got off of the floor,where I fell after picturing that! Irish :rolleyes:

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